Tethys: Thameen-1 well testing complete, no flows recorded at surface

March 23, 2021
Tethys Oil AB will suspend exploration well Thameen-1 on Block 49 onshore the Sultanate of Oman to allow further evaluation and later reentry after a well testing program unsuccessfully attempted to flow hydrocarbons to the surface.

Tethys Oil AB will suspend exploration well Thameen-1 on Block 49 onshore the Sultanate of Oman to allow further evaluation and later reentry after a well testing program unsuccessfully attempted to flow hydrocarbons to the surface. Down hole fluid samples were collected (OGJ Online, Mar. 1, 2021).

Thameen-1 was drilled to its final total depth in February 2021 and encountered hydrocarbon shows in the primary target, the Hasirah sandstone (OGJ Online, Jan. 4, 2021). Logs indicate a gross hydrocarbon column of close to 40 m. Sidewall cores, fluid samples, and pressure data will be further analyzed together with log analysis.

Tethys Oil AB, through subsidiary Tethys Oil Montasar Ltd., is operator and holds a 50% working interest in the exploration and production sharing agreement covering Block 49. In November 2020 EOG Resources Inc. agreed to a 50% farm-in (OGJ Online, Nov. 10, 2020). Final government approval was received in March 2021.