NGL Energy Partners launches open season for Grand Mesa pipeline

Dec. 6, 2023
NGL Energy Partners launched a binding open season for Grand Mesa Pipeline LLC’s crude oil pipeline .

NGL Energy Partners LP, Tulsa, Okla., launched a binding open season for wholly owned affiliate Grand Mesa Pipeline LLC’s crude oil pipeline that originates in Weld County, Colo., and extends 550 miles southeast to NGL’s crude storage terminal at Cushing, Okla. Total capacity being offered is 40,000 b/d for delivery into the Cushing hub.

Capable of receiving and batch transporting 150,000 b/d, the pipeline will provide takeaway capacity for crude producers in the Denver-Julesburg basin.

NGL held open seasons in 2016 and in 2021 seeking commitments from shippers interested in shipping on Grand Mesa’s pipeline system (OGJ Online, July 9, 2021; July 7, 2016). NGL is holding the current open season to contract available capacity on the Grand Mesa pipeline at a discounted rate.

This open season will close on Jan. 5, 2024.