Weld-through sensor for force-triggered firing
This firm is introducing force measurement technology to traditional resistance welding techniques: By combining the Model WEL weld-through load cell with a Model WGM weldmeter, the firm controls the electrode force at the time of firing for spot and projections welds. This system works equally well with differential air or hydraulic pressure sensors to provide consistent results, the firm says.
The technology works in combination with new constant voltage weld controllers to provide an economical control system, which triggers the weld when the proper force is reached.
Source: Sensotec Inc., 2080 Arlingate Lane, Columbus, OH 43228.
Gasket tape seals large diameter steel piping
A new gasket tape is designed for sealing large-diameter steel piping and equip ment. Made from 100% multidirectionally expanded PTFE, GORE-TEX Series 300 gasket tape can be formed in place quickly.
It installs easily and reduces expensive material scrap, the company points out.
Tape is resistant to virtually all chemicals and tolerates temperatures of -450° F. to +600° F. (-268° C. to +315° C.).
Available in four widths and thicknesses of 1/16 and 1/8 in. (1.6 and 3.2 mm), this tape is conformable and compressible, tightly sealing damaged or irregular flanges.
Source: W.L. Gore & Associates Inc., Box 1488, Elkton, MD 21922.
Production engineering software package
The virtual metering simulation software package (VMSS3) simultaneously calculates the multiphase-single phase engineering fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and thermodynamic relationships for oil and gas-condensate wells and their downstream production facilities gathering systems.
It provides accurate flow rate measurements for the three phase flows of gas, oil-condensate, and water, and provides the pressure-temperature-flow rate information for simulation and optimum operation and design of the production systems.
The package can now tie in with the field data acquisition system for instant online real time calculations.
VMSS3 technology has been under development during the past 30 years and has undergone field production testing in 413 wells and production facilities that produce from reservoirs with varying reservoir fluid properties.
Applications have been made in 60 oil and gas-condensate field projects. Applications can be made in well-producing systems with limited experience or scarce data by simulating against the extensive virtual memory data banks that have been built up in 60 fields and several hundred applications, the firm notes.
The company says its package should be applied to wells and their production systems to improve the accuracy of multiphase flow rate measurements and to reduce field investments and operating costs.
Source: Yocum Consultant Inc./Ensys Yocum Inc., 465 Westview Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631.
Software speeds 3D point cloud processing
The new Cyclone CloudWorx 1.0 lets you take advantage of rich, 3D point clouds directly in AutoCAD or MicroStation.
The product helps produce accurate, complete as-built drawings. In addition to providing a familiar interface, the new products also promise to reduce office time for processing 3D point clouds into 2D plans and elevations. The user simply accesses the point cloud data base and then runs X, Y, or Z planar cuts through the dense point clouds. The result is a fast, accurate visualization of plan and section views of the as-built scene, the company says.
Sliced sections-elevations are easily converted to proper 2D drawings using AutoCAD or MicroStation drafting commands and tools.
CloudWorx also lets users directly:
- Create slices (i.e., cuts with finite thickness) through point clouds.
- Query points for X, Y, and Z coordinates.
- Hide sections of point clouds that are not of immediate interest.
Once the point clouds are loaded, users can apply standard CAD tools to:
- Navigate through point clouds for 3D visualization of existing scenes.
- Measure directly between any two points.
- Red-line drawings based on point cloud backdrops.
- Edit existing drawings or models using point cloud backdrops.
- Snap a line to a specific, selected point within a point cloud.
Source: Cyra Technologies Inc., 8000 Capwell Drive, Oakland, CA 94621.