BLM seeks comments on proposed gas line route change in Colorado

Aug. 6, 2015
The US Bureau of Land Management is seeking comments on a SourceGas LLC subsidiary’s proposal to upgrade and potentially reroute a natural gas pipeline that currently transects the Eagle Ranch subdivision in Eagle County, Colo.

The US Bureau of Land Management is seeking comments on a SourceGas LLC subsidiary’s proposal to upgrade and potentially reroute a natural gas pipeline that currently transects the Eagle Ranch subdivision in Eagle County, Colo.

The subsidiary, Rocky Mountain Natural Gas, wants to upgrade and potential reroute 4.6 miles of the Avon-to-Rifle pipeline in the Eagle Ranch subdivision south of the town of Eagle US Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration regulations, BLM’s Colorado River Valley field office in Silt, Colo., said in an Aug. 5 notice.

Comments will be accepted through Sept. 4, it said. BLM, Golden, Colo.-based SourceGas, and the Town of Eagle Open Space will hold a public meeting on Aug. 10 in Eagle to discuss three alternatives that are being considered.

Under one alternative, RMNG would upgrade the existing pipeline segment in its current location through the Eagle Ranch Subdivision. Under the two others, RMNG would reroute the pipeline south of the Eagle Ranch subdivision area for about 3.4 miles through lands managed by BLM and the Town of Eagle Open Space, BLM said.

It said three 1-acre staging areas also will be evaluated at Hernage Creek Gulch, Third Gulch, and Hardscrabble Mountain Road. RMNG is proposing to begin work in early summer 2016, the notice indicated.

SourceGas was Kinder Morgan Inc.’s retail gas utility until the natural gas midstream company sold it to GE and Allinda in 2007. It previously operated as KN Energy and Kansas Nebraska Gas Co. before KMI acquired it in 1999.

Contact Nick Snow at [email protected].

About the Author

Nick Snow

NICK SNOW covered oil and gas in Washington for more than 30 years. He worked in several capacities for The Oil Daily and was founding editor of Petroleum Finance Week before joining OGJ as its Washington correspondent in September 2005 and becoming its full-time Washington editor in October 2007. He retired from OGJ in January 2020.