Angolan agencies to evaluate block proposals for Lower Congo, Kwanza basins

July 20, 2021
A total of 16 companies submitted investment proposals for the exploration of oil blocks in three sedimentary basins in the Lower Congo and nine in the Kwanza basin, as part of Angola's 2020 bidding process.

A total of 16 companies, 13 Angolan and 3 foreign, submitted investment proposals for the exploration of oil blocks in three sedimentary basins in the Lower Congo and nine in the Kwanza basin, as part of the 2020 bidding process, at an opening ceremony held by Angola’s National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG), on July 12 (OGJ Online, June 7, 2021).

Official submissions were received from Monka Oil, Brightoil, Mineral One, PRODIAMAN, Alpha Petroleum, Sonangol P&P, MTI Energy, Tusker Energy, Somoil, AIS, PRODOIL, UPITE Oil Co., Grupo Simples Oil, Service Cab, Omega Risk Solution, and Intank Group.

The tender jury will now evaluate the technical quality of the proposals, which will be followed by the negotiation stage for the award of concessions.

The 2020 bid round began on April 30th for blocks CON1, CON5, and CON6 (onshore Lower Congo basin) and blocks KON5, KON6, KON8, KON9, KON17, and KON20 (onshore Kwanza basin).