Perenco completed the acquisition of LL&E Colombia Inc. from Burlington Resources Inc.
LL&E Colombia held a 13.715% interest in the Perenco-operated Casanare Association Contract in the Llanos basin. Perenco held 18.285% interest before the purchase of LL&E.
The Casanare contract area contains a number of established producing oil fields with 10,500 b/d gross daily production, and investment in 2002 should lead to higher production later in the year, Perenco said.
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Co. ASA was to acquire 3,650 line km of 2D, nonexclusive seismic data on the western German shelf of the North Sea. Data are to be available in the third quarter of 2002.
The new program is to infill 6,700 line km of older data, which are being reprocessed. Both projects are heavily pre-funded.
The Division of Oil & Gas in Anchorage launched a call for information regarding 2002 North Slope Areawide and Beaufort Sea Areawide lease sales.
The division sought, by Apr. 30, 2002, new information on the reasonably foreseeable effects of oil and gas operations and other related data.
Swift Energy Co., Houston, nearly doubled production since acquiring net revenue interests of more than 80% in giant Lake Washington field, Plaquemines Parish, in March 2001 and expects to double production again by yearend 2002.
Field output net to Swift was 1,236 boe in February 2002, and proved reserves were 7.1 million bbl of oil and 3.7 bcf of gas. The company was to start a 9-well program with a barge rig expected in April.
The six shallowest sands have significant probable reserves, possibly in excess of 40 million bbl, and Swift expects to add 3 million bbl to the proved category this year.
On acquiring its interest, Swift said only 15% of the total structure had been evaluated. The salt dome field had produced 300 million bbl of oil equivalent. Four platforms in 6-30 ft of water had 20 wells producing from multiple Miocene sands at 2,000 to more than 10,000 ft.
Chesapeake Energy Corp., Oklahoma City, has a deep gas prospect inventory that exposes it to more than 1,000 bcfe of unbooked potential, not 2,000 bcfe as reported (OGJ, Mar. 18, 2002, p. 51).
The state will conduct an anonymous, online-only auction of 499,858 acres of state forest lands on 141 tracts for oil and gas leasing on May 8 and 9 (www.assetauctions.
The tracts are in Potter, Tioga, Clinton, Cameron, Lycoming, Huntingdon, and Fayette counties. Minimum bid is $30/acre. Information is available from the Bureau of Forestry in Harrisburg.
The Jack Morrow Hills area of Sweetwater and Fremont counties contains 3.9 tcf of gas and 535,000 bbl of oil that could be discovered with existing technology, according to an assessment by the Wyoming State Geological Survey.
The area also holds as much as an additional 9.2 tcf and 305,000 bbl that could be discovered and produced with advanced technologies.
Open File Report 2002-1 includes data on structure, stratigraphy, and geologic history, seismic lines, cross sections, and information from known oil and gas fields thought to be analogs for occurrences in the Jack Morrow Hills, north and east of the Rock Spring uplift in the Greater Green River basin.