First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. let a contract to Entreprise Nationale de Geophysique to acquire 230 sq km of 3D seismic data on the 1,091 sq km Block 406a (Rhourde Yacoub) in the central Berkine basin.
The 2-month project was starting in mid-February. First drilling could take place in mid-2002.
FCP said its own mapping of existing 2D seismic data revealed several strong leads with the potential for light, sweet oil in multiple sandstone horizons. FCP will also appraise the MLE-1 discovery on Block 405b (Ledjmet).
Two units of China National Petroleum Corp. Ltd. signed agreements to buy European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's 30% holdings in Kursangi and Karabagli oil fields 100 km southwest of Baku for $52 million.
The fields' other holders are State Oil Co. of the Azerbaijan Republic and Delta Hess, a joint venture owned by Delta Oil Central Asia Ltd. and Amerada Hess Corp.
The original work program called for field rehabilitation and eventual seismic and other studies that would lead to further exploration and development. Combined production averaged 4,000 b/d in 2000.
Bligh Oil & Minerals NL, Brisbane, and three other Australian companies will drill a $4 million, 1,750 m well on the 6/12-1 prospect in Beibu Gulf.
CNOOC Services Ltd.'s Nanhai IV jackup was expected in late February at the location 10 km east of the 12/1-1 producing field complex and less than 5 km from a pipeline.
Primary target is the Weizhou formation at 1,400-1,750 m. Other discoveries on the block are development candidates.
Equatorial Guinea
Petronas affiliate Carigali Overseas Sdn. Bhd. signed a production-sharing agreement for Corisco Bay Block N in the Rio Muni basin, said block partner Ocean Energy Inc., Houston.
Block N covers 678,000 acres in as much as 660 ft of water.
Ocean said its stake of 30% in the block will bring its total Equatorial Guinea holdings to more than 2 million gross offshore acres.
Vanco Equatorial Guinea will hold 10%. Carigali will hold 60% of and operate Block N. GEPetrol, Equatorial Guinea's national oil company, will have a 15% carried interest in the block.
The block is south of Ceiba oil field and three other recent discoveries by Amerada Hess/Triton and north of the northern Gabon Salt basin.
The government expects to approve a licensing round off West Greenland in March 2002 and to launch the round in April.
If all goes well, letters of invitation will be issued at the beginning of April. Officials plan opening meetings in Copenhagen and Houston. The government reduced the company tax to 30% from 35% last November.
Ivory Coast
A group led by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Calgary, began production at 8,500 b/d of oil from one well at Espoir field on Block CI-26.
Production to the Espoir Ivoirien floating production, storage, and offloading vessel is to rise to 30,000 b/d late September as six more wells are completed from the East Espoir wellhead tower.
Associated gas output should climb to 30 MMcfd, said CNRL, which estimates field reserves of 93 million bbl of oil and 180 bcf of gas. Production will be sold for power generation in Abidjan.
Development of the field's western lobe and satellite prospects are under study.
South Africa
Petroleum Geo-Services ASA and Petroleum Agency South Africa will cooperate to promote deepwater exploration acreage in the Orange basin off western South Africa.
The 160,000 sq km area will soon be available for licensing. The two companies will acquire and market 2D seismic data and interpret new and reprocessed data.
Northern Petroleum PLC, London, won the Huermeces and Valderredible exploration permits in the Burgos region, where it hopes to reevaluate the Hontomin and Huidobro noncommercial oil discoveries drilled in the 1960s.
The discoveries are near Ayoluengo field, a 1964 discovery that was still averaging 170 b/d of 37° gravity oil from 5,000 ft through 11 wells in year 2000 (OGJ, Dec. 24, 2001, p. 152).
The permits also cover an unnamed gas-condensate discovery made in the 1960s.
Windsor Petroleum (Cyprus) Ltd. is an equal participant with Northern, operator.
Slavneft of Russia signed an exploration agreement with Sudan's Sudapet covering Block 9, press reports indicated.
No new coordinates were available, but the historic Block 9 surrounds Khartoum and lies along the Heglig-Port Sudan crude oil pipeline.
The province awarded Hunt Oil Co. of Canada Inc., a unit of privately held Hunt Oil Co., Dallas, exploration rights in the Peel plateau, inactive for 23 years.
Hunt Oil is to spend $1.16 million to explore 155 sections with an area of about 40,200 ha near 66° N. Lat. and 134° W. Long., just south of the Arctic Circle.
The award includes the right to explore, produce, and sell any production, subject to obtaining a license that triggers an environmental study.
The parcel contains one abandoned well, Shell Peel River I-21.
A resource assessment of the Peel plateau basin, completed by Canada's National Energy Board in March 1999 and updated in November 2000, identified the potential for 2.29 tcf of gas and 21.3 million bbl of oil. A new resource assessment of the region is scheduled for publication in May.
Tom Brown Inc., Denver, boosted production at Andy's Mesa field in the Paradox basin to 20 MMcfd of gas in January from 1.5 MMcfd in early 2000.
Startup of a gas processing plant in the field in October 2001 facilitated production from 9 wells the company drilled in 2000-01.
The wells targeted the Honaker Trail/Cutler and Ismay formations and were completed in Cutler and Ismay. The field is in San Miguel County.