NiSource to build East Side Expansion to CGT

Oct. 29, 2012
NiSource Gas Transmission & Storage, a unit of NiSource Inc., plans to build its East Side Expansion project, adding capacity to its Columbia Gas Transmission (Columbia) system moving Marcellus shale natural gas produced in northern Pennsylvania to East Coast and mid-Atlantic markets.

NiSource Gas Transmission & Storage, a unit of NiSource Inc., plans to build its East Side Expansion project, adding capacity to its Columbia Gas Transmission (Columbia) system moving Marcellus shale natural gas produced in northern Pennsylvania to East Coast and mid-Atlantic markets.

The East Side Expansion, supported by binding precedent agreements, will add up to 310 MMcfd of capacity to Columbia. The project calls for building additional pipeline along the system, adding compression to an existing compressor station, and enhancing interconnects with Millennium Pipeline at Columbia’s Wagoner metering station and with Tennessee Gas Pipeline at Milford compressor station.

NiSource anticipates starting work on the expansion in early 2015 to meet a targeted in-service date, pending regulatory approval, of late 2015.

XTO Energy signed on as anchor shipper on NiSource’s Big Pine Gathering System, also in the Marcellus, earlier this year (OGJ Online, Apr. 5, 2012). BPGS feeds into Columbia as well as Texas Eastern Transmission and Dominion Transmission.

Contact Christopher E. Smith at [email protected].

About the Author

Christopher E. Smith | Editor in Chief

Christopher brings 27 years of experience in a variety of oil and gas industry analysis and reporting roles to his work as Editor-in-Chief, specializing for the last 15 of them in midstream and transportation sectors.