Oneok cancels Bakken Crude Express Pipeline

Nov. 27, 2012
Oneok Partners LP reported it will not build its proposed Bakken Crude Express Pipeline, having received insufficient long-term transportation commitments during the project’s open season, concluded Nov. 20.

Oneok Partners LP reported it will not build its proposed Bakken Crude Express Pipeline, having received insufficient long-term transportation commitments during the project’s open season, concluded Nov. 20.

The company said it was disappointed with the results of the open season, but remained committed to serving Williston basin producers. “We still believe the Bakken Crude Express has a competitive advantage over other competing projects due to its proximity to the route of our Bakken NGL Pipeline currently under construction (OGJ Online, Nov. 13, 2012) and other Oneok Partners natural gas liquids pipeline corridors,” said Oneok Pres. Terry K. Spencer.

The Bakken Crude Express Pipeline would have been a 1,300-mile, crude oil pipeline with capacity to transport 200,000 b/d of light-sweet crude from multiple points in the Williston basin in the Bakken shale in North Dakota and Montana to Cushing, Okla.

Contact Christopher E. Smith at [email protected].

About the Author

Christopher E. Smith | Editor in Chief

Christopher brings 27 years of experience in a variety of oil and gas industry analysis and reporting roles to his work as Editor-in-Chief, specializing for the last 15 of them in midstream and transportation sectors.