Ryckman Creek's Opal hub gas storage open season oversubscribed

Nov. 16, 2012
Ryckman Creek Resources LLC, a subsidiary of Peregrine Midstream Partners LLC, finished its recent nonbinding open season for firm natural gas storage service at its high-deliverability, multicycle (HDMC) site in Uinta County, Wyo., with offered capacity oversubscribed by three and a half times.

Ryckman Creek Resources LLC, a subsidiary of Peregrine Midstream Partners LLC, finished its recent nonbinding open season for firm natural gas storage service at its high-deliverability, multicycle (HDMC) site in Uinta County, Wyo., with offered capacity oversubscribed by three and a half times. Ryckman offered 8 bcf of firm HDMC capacity, available beginning Apr. 1, 2013, and received market-priced bids from 23 companies totaling 28 bcf.

Ryckman Creek Gas Storage is connected to five interstate pipelines, including Kern River, Questar, Overthrust Pipeline, Ruby Pipeline, and Northwest Pipeline, all of which also connect to the Opal hub just north of Ryckman Creek.

Ryckman began commercial operations in August, converting an existing partially depleted oil and gas field into HDMC storage with Phase 1 working gas capacity of 35 bcf. Phase 1 maximum injection exceeds 350 MMcfd, with maximum withdrawals of roughly 480 MMcfd (OGJ Online, Nov. 23, 2011).

Peregrine Midstream was formed in 2009 by four members of Falcon Gas Storage Co.’s original management group (OGJ Online, Mar. 15, 2009).

About the Author

Christopher E. Smith | Editor in Chief

Christopher brings 27 years of experience in a variety of oil and gas industry analysis and reporting roles to his work as Editor-in-Chief, specializing for the last 15 of them in midstream and transportation sectors.