NET Midstream adds Eagle Ford natural gas shippers

May 3, 2013
NET Midstream’s wholly owned subsidiary Eagle Ford Midstream LP (EFM) has secured firm transportation agreements from Eagle Ford shale producers including Talisman Energy USA and Statoil Natural Gas LLC.

NET Midstream’s wholly owned subsidiary Eagle Ford Midstream LP (EFM) has secured firm transportation agreements from Eagle Ford shale producers including Talisman Energy USA and Statoil Natural Gas LLC. EFM is a 150-mile, predominantly 30-in. OD intrastate natural gas pipeline supplying Western Gas Partners’ Brasada processing plant in LaSalle County, Tex., and transporting pipeline-quality gas to the Agua Dulce hub.

EFM previously announced a 10-year firm transportation agreement with Anadarko Energy Services (OGJ Online, Mar. 23, 2012) and a 100,000-acre production dedication from Murphy Exploration & Production supporting the pipeline. The company plans to expand its gathering system in McMullen County, Tex.

NET Midstream is also developing the NET Mexico Pipeline, a 124-mile, 42-in. OD pipeline from the Agua Dulce hub to the Texas-Mexico border, supplying a Pemex subsidiary under terms of a 2.1 bcfd firm transportation contract. NET Mexico will enter service December 2014 (OGJ Online, Feb. 22, 2013).

The company already operates two other pipelines in the Eagle Ford shale. LaSalle Pipeline is a 52-mile, 16-in. OD pipeline providing the full gas supply requirements for a 200 Mw power plant in Pearsall, Tex. South Shore Pipeline is a 30-mile pipeline serving the City of Corpus Christi under a long-term gas supply and transportation contract.

Contact Christopher E. Smith at [email protected].

About the Author

Christopher E. Smith | Editor in Chief

Christopher brings 27 years of experience in a variety of oil and gas industry analysis and reporting roles to his work as Editor-in-Chief, specializing for the last 15 of them in midstream and transportation sectors.