Oldelval to inaugurate Duplicar phase two in November

Feb. 23, 2024
The Oleoductos del Valle consortium expects to inaugurate the second phase of the Duplicar Plus project in November 2024.

Oleoductos del Valle (OldelVal), the midstream consortium of YPF SA, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Pan American Energy, Pluspetrol SA, Tecpetrol SA, and Pampa Energía SA, expects to inaugurate the second phase of the Duplicar Plus project—expanding the OldelVal pipeline in Argentina—in November 2024.

In a February update, the consortium said construction is advancing on the project aimed at expanding transport capacity between Neuquén basin and the Port of Bahía Blanca. At end-January, about 50% of the pipeline has been welded, covering more than 270 km.

The $1.2-billion project is expected to increase crude oil transportation capacity to 86,000 cu m/day (540,000 b/d) from 36,000 cu m/day (226,000 b/d). Duplicar Plus will add 525 km of pipelines—laying 455 km of 24-in. OD pipeline in different sections between the Allen pump station and Puerto Rosales in the Buenos Aires province and rerouting 70 km of 30-in OD pipeline in the Bahía Blanca area—and upgrading four pumping stations.

The project is being implemented in three construction phases, said OldelVal's works manager, Mauricio Cabrera. The first was completed in October 2023 when transportation capacity increased to 48,000 cu m/day (300,000 b/d) from the Allen Pipeline to Puerto Rosales.

With the second phase, transportation capacity will increase by 12,000 cu m/day (77,000 b/d) to reach 60,000 cu m/day (377,000 b/d).

Originally the transport capacity of the second phase was expected to be 344,000 b/d, but [external] delays allowed us to increase the final capacity,” Cabrera said.

The third, and final, stage will see a capacity increase to 86,000 cu m/day (540,000 b/d).

Current crude oil production in Neuquén basin is about 430,000 b/d and is estimated to increase to 700,000 b/d by March 2025. In 2025, the basin is expected to have transport capacity to the Atlantic region of 540,000 b/d and 160,000 b/d to the Pacific region.


The OldelVal consortium at work on the Duplicar expansion. The Argentinian project aims to expand transport capacity between Neuquén basin and the Port of Bahía Blanca. At end-January, about 50% of the pipeline has been welded, covering more than 270 km.

Video from OldelVal.


Duplicar Norte

Cabrera confirmed Oldelval will launch a tender to expand oil transportation capacity in Vaca Muerta from the head of its main pipeline system in Puesto Hernández, in northern Neuquén, to the pumping station in Allen, Río Negro.

The project, Duplicar Norte, will be divided into two phases with a total expected investment of $838 million. The tender is expected to launch in the coming months. 

The project envisages construction of a 240-km pipeline parallel to the existing pipeline. The first stage of the project—between Puesto Hernández and Medanito pumping stations—will be comprised of 24-in. OD pipes with 42,000 cu m/day capacity, expandable to 58,000 cu m/day in stage two (about 364,000 b/d of crude oil).

The stretch from Medanito to Allen will be comprised of 30-in OD pipes with capacity of 67,000 cu m/day, which could be expanded to 91,000 cu m/day in the second phase.

With the project, the Puesto Hernández and Medanito pumping stations would have a flow rate of 67,000 cu m/day in the first stage, which could increase to 91,000 cu m/day in the second phase (572,000 b/d). 

About the Author

Camilo Ciruzzi | South America Correspondent

Ciruzzi is a journalist based in the Argentine province of Río Negro. He has over 30 years of experience in radio and print media. Ciruzzi studied Communication Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires and specialized in energy, political economy, and finance.

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