Caliche launches open season for expansion project, firm natural gas storage in Beaumont

May 18, 2023
Caliche Development Partners II has launched a non-binding open season to solicit natural gas firm storage service in support of the development of two additional natural gas storage caverns at Golden Triangle Storage LLC in Beaumont, Tex.

Caliche Development Partners II has launched a non-binding open season to solicit natural gas firm storage service in support of the development of two additional natural gas storage caverns at Golden Triangle Storage LLC (GTS) in Beaumont, Tex.

Expansion of the GTS infrastructure “brings additional firm deliverability to a region with increasing demand for storage to support variable power loads and LNG export activities,” said Dave Marchese, chief executive officer, in a release May 16.

GTS has a twin 24-in. pipeline header connecting seven major pipeline interconnects in the Beaumont-Port Arthur market hub (TETCO, FGT, HPL, KM Texas, Golden Pass Pipeline, Natgasoline, and DCP).

The company is also soliciting interest in potential new connections to its infrastructure, including Whitewater – Blackfin, Venture Global – CP Express, Sempra – PAPTC, and Targa – Apex Intrastate Pipeline. Prospective customers can bid for up to 14 bcf (8 bcf in Cavern #3, 6 bcf in Cavern #4) of firm storage service capacity on a multi-year basis. Bids for between 0.5 bcf and a full cavern of capacity will be accepted and evaluated. Injection and withdrawal rights will be limited to 600 MMcfd per expansion cavern, totaling 1.2 bcfd for both expansion caverns.

Bids for capacity must include a minimum of a 5-year term, with GTS giving greater consideration for longer terms (up to 20 years).

The process began May 16, 2023, and concludes at 11:59 am Central Time on June 16, 2023.