Tellurian applies for FERC permit to build Line 200, 300 gas pipelines

June 23, 2021
Tellurian subsidiary Driftwood Pipeline has applied with the US FERC to build and operate Line 200 and Line 300, dual 42-in. OD interstate natural gas pipelines starting near Ragley, Beauregard Parish, La., and ending near Carlyss, Calcasieu Parish.

Tellurian Inc. wholly owned subsidiary Driftwood Pipeline LLC has applied with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to build and operate Line 200 and Line 300, dual 42-in. OD interstate natural gas pipelines starting near Ragley, Beauregard Parish, La., and ending near Carlyss, Calcasieu Parish. The new pipeline has been designed and routed to move Haynesville shale production from an interconnection with Texas Eastern Transmission Co.’s pipeline 21 miles north of Lake Charles to demand within and south of Lake Charles, bypassing what Tellurian describes as a “constrained, complex, and expensive transportation pathway.”

The company plans to begin construction in 2022 and put the lines in service during 2023. Line 200 is the project’s Phase 1. Line 300, 30 miles long, is Phase 2. Line 300 extends 7 miles east and north from the planned starting point of Line 300 at Indian Bayou.

Line 200 will use one compressor station and eight interconnects to ship 2.4 bcfd. Line 300 will expand the compressor station to bring total capacity to 4.6 bcfd.

Driftwood Pipeline plans to use Baker Hughes-supplied electric-drive compression, which it says will reduce the pipelines’ carbon dioxide emissions by more than 99%.