In your editorial, July 8, 2002, p. 19, "Time to pick sides," I couldn't agree with you more that companies must actively tell the true story about fossil fuels and human activities' effects on the climate.
I would suggest that where companies can be most effective is by communications with their shareholders and employees. ExxonMobil has done a good job of this. Individuals can be more effective with the general public because of the stigma against oil companies in general. They can write letters to the editor of their local papers in answer to editorials, op-ed articles, and other letters to the editor which distort the facts.
The Oil & Gas Journal could help individuals in this endeavor by publishing facts about global warming, or the lack thereof, so that individuals, and companies too, can have the facts they need for their correspondence. Letters must be simple, easily understood, and concise.
Over recent years, I have written several letters to the editor on this subject and most have been printed. I have found that the editor has been anxious to get countervailing viewpoints to the propaganda put out by some extremists. Not all letters will be printed; but no one should get discouraged. I have found a great diversity in readership of letters to the editor through the comments I have received from people outside the industry. But there must be several people willing to write in each locale simply because one person isn't going to get his or her letter printed when submitted too often.
You can provide a much-needed service in providing background information and encouragement to companies and individuals in this absolutely necessary educational effort. And individuals are not identified with one of those "oil" companies and won't be known as such by most of the readers.
Wayne Blankenship, Jr.
Kenner, La.
e-mail: [email protected]