Georgia Republic
State Agency for Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources, Tbilisi, sought bids by Sept. 16, 2002, for oil and gas license blocks onshore and in the Black Sea.
They are: Block IIC, 2,260 sq km, and Block IID, 3,480 sq km, both in the Black Sea; Block VIII (Achara-Trialety), 4,760 sq km, in eastern Georgia; Block XA, 2,680 sq km, in the eastern Caucasus; and blocks XIG and XIH, 300 and 186 sq km, respectively, in the Mtsketa, Tetritskaro, and Gardabani regions of eastern Georgia.
Texas East
An exploratory completion 11/2 miles south of Double A Wells field should be capable of delivering 15-20 MMcfd of gas from Cretaceous Woodbine, said operator Comstock Resources Inc., Frisco, Tex.
The 1 Hamman, in Polk County, flowed 13.5 MMcfd of gas and 100 b/d of condensate, natural, with 10,300 psi FTP on a 16/64 in. choke from perforations at 15,194-242 ft. TD is 15,788 ft MD. Equipment capacity limited the flow rate.
Comstock expects to connect the well to sales by late August and drill two delineation wells this year.
An exploratory well opened new pay zones in giant Elk Basin oil field in the Big Horn basin, some of which may cover wide areas, said Howell Corp., Houston.
The 31-1 USA well, Park County, was drilled to TD 3,600 ft to test Sundance and Morrison sands, which have not produced on the Elk Basin structure, and evaluate Greybull and Second and First Frontier, which have produced elsewhere in the field.
The well cut a combined 125 ft of net productive sand in the five formations. Sundance at 3,384-3,404 ft and 3,448-66 ft flowed 2 MMcfd of 1,100-Btu gas. Morrison at 3,158-78 ft flowed 1.7 MMcfd of 1,050-Btu gas and was connected to sales.
Howell plans a dual completion. It will not test the other three zones but will drill 4 more wells to evaluate areal extent of the five pays.