Extensive production and pressure tests indicate that the first of two horizontal wells on Oriente Block 17 appears capable of producing oil at rates in excess of 10,000 b/d from Cretaceous Lower Napo U, said operator Vintage Petroleum Inc., Tulsa.
Higher-volume lift equipment would be needed to sustain such rates. Production from Hormiguero-4, with a 1,400-ft horizontal leg in the vertical 42-ft pay zone, will be restricted until completion of the OCP pipeline set for mid-2003. Hormiguero-3 is drilling.
Vintage plans to sell the Ecuadoran properties to reduce debt.
Gulf of Mexico
Devon Energy Corp., Oklahoma City, brought on line a discovery in 567 ft of water on Viosca Knoll Block 694 off Mississippi.
A subsea completion at the No. 4 well sustained 16 MMcfd of gas and 200 b/d of condensate from an undisclosed formation. TD is 10,775 ft. Devon's working interest is 100%.
North Dakota
St. Mary Land & Exploration Co., Denver, said a subsidiary plans to acquire Williston basin oil and gas properties in Montana and North Dakota from a unit of Burlington Resources Inc.
Nance Petroleum Corp., Billings, Mont., would acquire the properties from Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Co. LP for $76.35 million cash, retroactive to July 1, 2002. Closing is expected Dec. 3. The properties produce 3,100 b/d of oil and 3.3 MMcfd of gas and hold reserves of 61 bcfe. St. Mary said they are an excellent geographic fit with its existing Williston basin holdings.
Gulf Coast
Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc., Houston, planned to start sales in November from the third successful well in Providence field in Matagorda County.
The Pauline Heubner A-381 No. 1 flowed 2,230 b/d of oil and 6 MMcfd of gas, natural, with 6,277 psi FTP on an 18/64 in. choke from Frio perforations at 11,183-380 ft, PennEnergy Data reported. TD is 13,500 ft.
Carrizo, operator with 45% working interest, recovered 58 of 60 sidewall cores attempted. The first two wells, hooked up in February and July 2002, yielded a combined 521,000 bbl of oil and 1.7 bcf of gas through early October, when they were making 3,250 b/d of oil and 12.4 MMcfd of gas.