The Hartshorne Play in Southeastern Oklahoma: Regional and Detailed Sandstone Reservoir Analysis and Coalbed-Methane Resources, Special Publication 98-7, by Richard D. Andrews and Brian J. Cardott, published by Oklahoma Geological Survey, 100 E. Boyd, Room N-131, Norman, Okla. 73019-0628. 90 p., $10 plus shipping.Geology of the Hartshorne Formation, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma, Guidebook 31, by Neil H. Suneson, published by Oklahoma Geological Survey, 100 E. Boyd, Room N-131, Norman, Okla. 73019-0628. 73 p., $6 plus shipping.
Santos Ltd. completed a discovery on the Patchawarra Southwest Block in the Cooper-Eromanga basin.Mica-1 flowed 6.44 MMcfd of gas and 211 b/d of 51° gravity condensate on a 1/2 in. choke from Early Permian Patchawarra at 2,730-42 m. It is 7.5 km west of Kanowana field and 42 km northwest of the Moomba gas processing plant.
OMV Pakistan Exploration plans to drill two more wells and build a gas processing plant near Sawan about 300 miles northeast of Karachi.Two wells established about 800 bcf of gas reserves in Khairpur field in an undisclosed formation, press reports said. Production is to start by 2000. Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. and Hardy Exploration & Production Ltd. are partners with OMV.
Barrett Resources Corp., Denver, temporarily abandoned three 1998 exploratory wells that found heavy oil in the Maranon basin and was seeking a partner with heavy oil expertise to conduct further drilling on 2 million acre Block 67.Laboratory-derived gravities of oil from the wells are: Dorado 14-16°, Pirana 12-21°, and Paiche 12-13°. Short-term drillstem tests through casing indicated capabilities of 1,000-5,000 b/d of oil on pump.
Barrett completed a feasibility study that identified potential pipeline routes, upgrading processes, and development plans needed to start production from the block, which lies north of Occidental's Block 1AB.
Viet Nam
Anzoil Asia was mobilizing a land rig from Papua New Guinea and expects to drill three gas wells during 1999 on the Hanoi basin production sharing contract.The wells will include D24, an exploration well adjacent to Tien Hai gas field. If successful, they could lead to a declaration of commerciality for D14 gas field.
Following the gas appraisal program, Anzoil plans to drill an updip appraisal well appraise the B10 oil discovery.
Gulf of Mexico
Leviathan Gas Pipeline Partners LP, Houston, said its Sunday Silence field No. 2 delineation well on Ewing Bank Block 958 cut 80 ft of net pay in two hydrocarbon-bearing sands, including 65 net ft of high porosity, high resistivity pay in the main field sand. TD is 14,396 ft MD.Leviathan was in discussions with several parties about a possible transaction that would allow the partnership to diversify its working interest and generate infrastructure opportunities outside the Ewing Bank area.
The field, in about 1,500 ft of water on four Ewing Bank blocks, received a Minerals Management Service royalty abatement for the first 52.5 million bbl of oil equivalent to be produced.
EEX Corp. and Agip Petroleum tied in two discoveries off Louisiana.
The EEX-Petrobras 1 West Cameron 204 well was expected to reach 30 MMcfd of gas upon installation of compression equipment. It was producing 23 MMcfd of gas and 90 b/d of condensate at 1,800 psi FTP in December.
Agip and EEX planned to start up a successful development well this month on South Timbalier Block 217. The discovery well was flowing 16 MMcfd of gas in December with 3,700 psi FTP on a 32/64 in. choke.
Costilla Energy Inc., Midland, Tex., said its 1 Zalman well on the Southwest Speaks prospect in Lavaca County is producing 3.3 MMcfd of gas with 7,730 psi FTP on a 9/64 in. choke from an undisclosed zone. CAOF is 8.8 MMcfd.
Properties acquired from Pioneer Natural Resources Co. contain a number of deep Wilcox prospects near Speaks field, the company said.
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