Gas-fired oven for general heat processing operations
Here’s a gas-fired, 500º F. walk-in oven for general heat processing operations. The unit is specially modified for overhead crane loading at the user’s site.
Workspace dimensions of this No. 1000 oven measure 81 in. wide by 14 ft deep by 12 ft high. There are 600,000 btu installed in a modulating natural gas burner to heat the unit, while a 17,500 cfm, 15 hp recirculating blower provides combination horizontal-vertical airflow to the load.
The walk-in oven features 4 in. insulated walls throughout, aluminized steel interior and exterior, air-operated crane access door atop the oven, plus all safety equipment, including a 1,500 cfm powered forced exhauster. Controls include a digital programming temperature controller.
Source: Grieve Corp., 500 Hart Rd., Round Lake, IL 60073-2835.
Updated simulation helps improve chemical processes
Version 8.2 of South Lake Forest, Calif.-based SimSci-Esscor’s PRO/II software is the latest release of this steady-state process simulator used to design, analyze, and improve chemical processes.
In addition to infrastructure upgrades and enhancements that address needs of the hydrocarbon and chemicals processing operations, the software can now be used on Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft Co.’s Vista Enterprise & Business operating systems, and the firm has provided an updated install procedure and support for Microsoft Office 2007.
PRO/II 8.2 includes improvements for modeling heavy oils and electrolytic systems and for generating pure component properties. The simulator helps improve heavy oils modeling with the addition of a new liquid viscosity prediction method that prevents viscosity from being skewed by the heaviest petroleum component. The software has also integrated the mixed solvent electrolyte model, the latest electrolyte model from Morris Plains, NJ-based OLI Systems Inc., capable of reproducing speciation, chemical, and phase equilibria, applicable to water-organic-salt systems and aqueous solutions from dilute to the fused-salt limit.
Source: Invensys Process Systems, a unit of Invensys PLC, Portland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5BF, UK.