Dana Gas wins arbitration on sale of Egypt assets

July 27, 2021
Dana Gas PJSC will retain and operate oil and gas assets in Egypt after winning arbitration on its termination of a sale and purchase agreement (SPA) from the London Court of Arbitration (LCIA).

Dana Gas PJSC will retain and operate oil and gas assets in Egypt after winning arbitration on its termination of a sale and purchase agreement (SPA) from the London Court of Arbitration (LCIA).

Arbitration was initiated in April by IPR Wastani Petroleum Ltd., a member of the IPR Energy Group, in relation to sale agreed to in October 2020 (OGJ Online, Oct. 7, 2020)

Assets included Dana Gas’ 100% working interests in the El Manzala, West El Manzala, West El Qantara and North El Salhiya onshore concessions, operated through the WASCO JV, an operating joint venture with EGPC, as well as associated development leases. In first-half 2020, the concessions produced 30,950 boe/d.

The tribunal rejected IPR Wastani’s claim in its entirety and ruled in Dana Gas’ favor on all key points, concluding that Dana Gas’ termination of the SPA was valid.

Dana Gas terminated its agreement for the sale to IPR Wastani on Apr. 22, 2021, as the parties were unable to complete a number of conditions precedent to the transaction by the long-stop date of Apr. 14, 2021.

Elsewhere in Egypt, but outside of the assets related to the arbitration, Dana Gas Egypt plans to drill an exploration well in its North El Arish (Block 6) offshore concession area in first-quarter 2022. The area is estimated to contain more than 20 tcf gas resources.