Kuwait Energy encounters pay in Al Jahraa sidetrack, onshore Egypt

July 20, 2021
Kuwait Energy Egypt drilled a sidetrack at Al Jahraa field in the Abu Sennan license, onshore Egypt, and encountered net pay in three reservoir units, partner United Oil & Gas PLC said in a July 19 release.

Kuwait Energy Egypt drilled a sidetrack at Al Jahraa field in the Abu Sennan license, onshore Egypt, and encountered net pay in three reservoir units, partner United Oil & Gas PLC said in a July 19 release.

Al Jahraa-8 well commenced drilling on May 2, targeting the Abu Roash and Bahariya reservoirs in an undrained portion of the field. After drilling through the Upper Bahariya and reaching 4,071 m MD, inflow into the well was observed. The well was brought under control but due to hole conditions in the highly deviated well, a decision was made to plug the well back above the Abu Roash C reservoir and drill sidetrack AJ-8ST1.

Due to hole conditions in the sidetrack, a liner was run to 4,314 m MD and the well landed without reaching the bottom zone of the Lower Bahariya reservoir which had been a pre-drill target.

Initial interpretations from the sidetrack indicate a total of over 40 m MD of net oil pay encountered cumulatively across three different reservoir units. Preliminary results indicate over 30 m of net pay in the Upper and Lower Bahariya reservoirs, and net pay also appeared in the Abu Roash E (AR-E) reservoir. The well has now been secured with liner and will be completed and tested across the three pay intervals.

After completing AJ-8, the EDC-50 rig will move about 7 km north of the field to drill the ASX-1X exploration well. This is a similar structure to the nearby discovery that was recently made at ASD-1X, with targets in Khoman, Abu Roash, and Bahariya reservoirs. It is expected to be the final well of the 2021 campaign.

United holds a 22% working interest in the licence, which is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt (OGJ Online Jan. 4, 2021).