Neptune granted drilling consent for Dugong Tail prospect

May 27, 2021
Neptune Energy was granted consent by the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway to drill an exploration well and an appraisal well targeting the Dugong Tail prospect in the North Sea.

Neptune Energy was granted consent by the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway to drill an exploration well and an appraisal well targeting the Dugong Tail prospect in the North Sea (OGJ Online, Mar. 1, 2021).

Wells 33/6-5 S and 33/6-5 A will be drilled by the Deepsea Yantai semisubmersible rig, owned by CIMC and operated by Odfjell Drilling, in Block 33/6 in production license 882 in water depth of 331 m.

Drilling is expected to take 40-75 days.

Neptune Energy is operator with 45% interest. Partners are Petrolia NOCO (20%), Idemitsu Petroleum Norge (20%), and Concedo (15%).