Lundin granted permit for North Sea well

May 21, 2021
Lundin Energy Norway AS has been granted a permit by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate to drill in PL167 in the North Sea.

Lundin Energy Norway AS has been granted a permit by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate to drill in PL167 in the North Sea.

Well 16/1-34 S—the ninth exploration well to be drilled in the license—will be drilled from the Deepsea Stavanger semisubmersible rig about 6 km southwest of Ivar Aasen field (OGJ Online, July 26, 2019).

 The acreage in the license consists of parts of Block 16/1.

Lundin Energy Norway is operator with 40% interest. Partners are Equinor Energy AS (30%), Spirit Energy Norway AS (20%), and Aker BP ASA (10%).