Spirit Energy approves Oda infill well

April 28, 2021
Spirit Energy Ltd. and its partners plan to start drilling an infill well in September-October of this year to accelerate production from Oda field in PL 405 in the North Sea.

Spirit Energy Ltd. and its partners plan to start drilling an infill well in September-October of this year to accelerate production from Oda field in PL 405 in the North Sea.

The Valaris Viking jack up drilling unit has been contracted. The unit is currently on contract with another operator on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Oda field, in 65 m of water 13 km east of Ula, started production in March 2019 (OGJ Online, Mar. 19, 2019). It was developed as a subsea installation with two production wells tied-back to Ula field and one water injection well for pressure support. Oil is exported to Ekofisk and further on the Norpipe pipeline to the Teesside terminal in the UK. Gas from Oda is sold to Ula and used to improve recovery at the field.

Spirit Energy is operator at Oda with 40% interest. Partners are Suncor Energy (30%), DNO (15%), and Aker BP (15%).