Neptune Energy granted North Sea drilling permit

Feb. 4, 2021
Neptune Energy AS has been granted a drilling permit for an appraisal well in PL 882 in the Norwegian North Sea by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. The area in this license consists of parts of Blocks 33/6 and 34/4.

Neptune Energy AS has been granted a drilling permit for an appraisal well in PL 882 in the Norwegian North Sea by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. The area in this license consists of parts of Blocks 33/6 and 34/4.

Well 34/4-16 S —the third in the license—will be drilled about 10 km northwest of Snorre field by the Deepsea Yantai semisubmersible rig after drilling development wells on Gjoa field.

Neptune and partners discovered hydrocarbons in the Dugong area of the license with discovery well 34/4-15 S in 330 m of water 158 km west of Florø in summer 2020 (OGJ Online, Jan. 7, 2021).

Neptune Energy is operator of the license with 45% interest (OGJ Online, Oct. 8, 2020). Partners are Petrolia NOCA AS (20%), Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS (20%), and Concedo AS (15%).