Enhanced diamond protection offered for drillbits
This drillbit supplier has expanded its offering of enhanced diamond protection for customers drilling with the company’s roller cone products.
Because of higher drilling rig costs and increased extended reach applications, more diamonds are being used to improve roller cone bit life, the firm notes, adding that the company customizes the bit to the specific application; e.g., builds sections in directional drilling and horizontal applications where maximum abrasive resistance is required. The objective is to keep the cutting structure sharper for better penetration rates and maintain gauge for longer on-bottom time.
Diamond protection occurs during the manufacturing process of the bit, when polycrystalline diamond capped inserts are inserted along the gauge, back row, and-or the leading edge of the shirttails to provide added protection to the bit in abrasive formations. Diamond protection is recommended on motor, directional, and rotary steerable applications, particularly those drilling through abrasive formations such as sandstone, siltstone, granite, and limestone.
These diamond protection options are offered:
- Enhanced back row increases gauge holding in abrasive applications-available in varying percentages.
- Enhanced gauge row maximizes 100% of gauge rows and provides longer gauge hold in abrasive and directional uses.
- Enhanced shirttail protection provides wear resistance in extreme drilling environments.