The Senate of the 30th Legislature of the US Virgin Islands has voted unanimously to send back a proposed agreement that would provide for the restart of Hovensa LLC's idled 500,000-b/d refinery on the island of St. Croix to the legislative body's finance committee for further review.
The Nov. 13 vote occurred during a senatorial special session called by Gov. John P. de Jongh Jr. for members to consider ratification of an operating agreement negotiated between government officials and principals of Atlantic Basin Refining Inc., which plans to renovate and recommission the shuttered refinery, according to a release from de Jongh's office.
The legislative delay in approving the proposed agreement, in effect, stalls what now has become a limited window of opportunity to save the refining complex, according to de Jongh.
The governor's concern follows an announcement earlier in the week from the Hess Corp.-Petroleos de Venezuela SA joint venture Hovensa that it will not invest any additional funding into the St. Croix complex past mid-December, at which time it will begin the process of shutting down all operations at the site.
Should Hovensa proceed with a full shutdown of the complex, which currently acts as an oil storage terminal, there would be neither a sale of the refinery to any interested buyer nor any possibility of even restarting operations at the plant, according to a letter from Hovensa's legal counsel to both de Jongh and senate members.
"While I accept the Senate's stated need for further consideration of this most important matter, I trust that they and the community understand how critical the time factor is, especially now that we have been more fully informed of Hovensa's timetable," the governor said.
No timetable was disclosed as to how long senators would take to make a decision regarding the operating agreement, but with only about 2 months left before the start of a new legislative session, de Jongh urged members of the current Legislature to give priority to acting on the matter.
Compared with its former operations, the reconfigured St. Croix refinery, which is to have an initial processing capacity of 300,000 b/d, will experience greater operating flexibility, higher clean-fuel yields, reduced power demand, and lower emissions.