Cerilon moves into FEED stage, advancing North Dakota GTL complex toward FID

June 7, 2024
Cerilon completed front-end-loading for its proposed grassroots gas-to-liquids plant in North Dakota.

Cerilon Inc., Calgary, has completed front-end-loading (FEL 2) for its proposed grassroots gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant in Trenton, Williams County, ND, and is moving into front-end engineering design (FEED), the last stage before the company makes a final investment decision (FID) for the project.

Cerilon aims to develop a GTL complex that will convert North Dakota’s abundant natural gas supplies into 24,000 b/d of high-performance synthetic products, including ultralow-sulfur diesel (ULSD), naphtha, and Group III+ lubricant base oils, Cerilon said. The complex is also expected to feature a carbon capture and sequestration component.

During the FEL 2 engineering stage, de-risking actions and decisions were taken “that improved accuracy of the project schedule and cost estimates,” the company said in a release June 4.

Worley was selected to complete the project's FEL 3 FEED scope, which will include smart manufacturing operations design and digital integration.

In March, Cerilon let a contract to Chevron Corp. subsidiary Chevron USA Inc. to deliver processing technologies for the first phase of the complex in (OGJ Online, Oct. 21, 2021; Mar. 14, 2024).

A final investment decision is expected in mid-2026 with construction on the first complex to begin shortly thereafter for project start-up in 2028. It is expected to be fully operational in 2029.

Cerilon is seeking regulatory approvals for the complex and a phase two complex of similar capacity on the same site. The company has submitted all major permit applications and anticipates that these regulatory reviews will be complete by yearend.

About the Author

Mikaila Adams | Managing Editor - News

Mikaila Adams has 20 years of experience as an editor, most of which has been centered on the oil and gas industry. She enjoyed 12 years focused on the business/finance side of the industry as an editor for Oil & Gas Journal's sister publication, Oil & Gas Financial Journal (OGFJ). After OGFJ ceased publication in 2017, she joined Oil & Gas Journal and was named Managing Editor - News in 2019. She holds a degree from Texas Tech University.