Kufpec joins GTL project in Papua New Guinea

Dec. 22, 2006
Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. (KUFPEC) has signed a joint development agreement with Syntroleum Corp. for development of a 50,000 b/d gas-to-liquids plant in Papua New Guinea.

Rick Wilkinson
OGJ Correspondent

MELBOURNE, Dec. 22 -- Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. (Kufpec) has signed a joint development agreement with Syntroleum Corp. for participation in the development of a 50,000 b/d gas-to-liquids plant in Papua New Guinea.

PNG Prime Minister Michael Somare gave the proposal formal support following submission of a feasibility study.

The facility will produce sulfur-free diesel fuel and other petroleum products.

Syntroleum said the project has been granted priority in PNG's effort to establish a commercial gas industry.

The company plans to progress financing and to begin placing major construction and fabrication contracts.