Holly to build rail terminal near Navajo refining complex

April 12, 2013
HollyFrontier Corp. and Holly Energy Partners LP (HEP) are building a rail terminal near HollyFrontier's 100,000-b/d Navajo refining complex in Artesia and Lovington, NM.

HollyFrontier Corp. and Holly Energy Partners LP (HEP) are building a rail terminal near HollyFrontier's 100,000-b/d Navajo refining complex in Artesia and Lovington, NM. The 70,000-b/d terminal will connect to HEP’s crude oil pipeline system in southeastern New Mexico, accessing West Texas Intermediate, West Texas Sour, and Western Canadian Select crudes.

Holly expects the terminal to enter service in early-2014.

HEP earlier this month announced plans to expand its crude pipeline system in southeastern New Mexico by as much as 100,000 b/d in response to increased production in the area, with in-service timing for the new capacity also slated for early-2014 (OGJ Online, Mar. 8, 2013). HEP operates about 960 miles of crude oil trunk, gathering, and connection pipelines in West Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, delivering to the Navajo refinery.

Contact Christopher E. Smith at [email protected].

About the Author

Christopher E. Smith | Editor in Chief

Christopher brings 27 years of experience in a variety of oil and gas industry analysis and reporting roles to his work as Editor-in-Chief, specializing for the last 15 of them in midstream and transportation sectors.