Equinor updates assay for Angolan Hungo Blend

March 1, 2021

Based on a sample taken May 23, 2020, Equinor ASA on Dec. 27, 2020, issued a commercial assay of medium-gravity, medium-sulfur Hungo Blend crude from Hungo and Chocalho fields of the $3.4-billion Kizomba A deepwater project in Block 15 offshore Angola.

The latest assay shows Hungo has lowered to 28.8° API gravity from 29.5° API gravity as published in a previous assay issued on Feb. 10, 2017 (based on a Jan. 1, 2016 sample date). In addition to becoming heavier, Hungo’s sulfur content slightly increased to 0.65 wt % from 0.59 wt %.

ExxonMobil Corp. unit Esso Exploration Angola (Block 15) Ltd., the project’s operator, started oil production from Hungo and Chocalho fields in August 2004 from the Kizomba A floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessel in water 1,000-1,280 m deep, about 370 km northwest of Luanda (OGJ Online, Aug. 11, 2004).

Kizomba A’s Hungo and Chocalho fields contain estimated recoverable reserves of 1 billion bbl.

As part of its extension agreement up to 2032 with the Angolan government for Block 15, original development partners in early 2020 proportionally reduced individual ownership interests to include state-owned Sociedade Nacional de Combustíveis de Angola EP (Sonangol) as a new member of the consortium, according to a January 2020 release from Angolan regulator Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis (ANPG) and Equinor’s 2019 annual report to investors.

As of Jan. 27, 2020, but retroactive to Oct. 1, 2019, the Block 15 group consortium now includes operator Esso (36%), BP Exploration (Angola) Ltd. (24%), ENI Angola Exploration BV (18%), Equinor Angola (12%), and Sonangol (10%).

Whole crude

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.882

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 28.8

UOP K factor: 11.9

Total sulfur, wt %: 0.650

Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 1.0

Total nitrogen, ppm: 2,496

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 711.000

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.45

Reid vapor pressure, psi: 4.9

Vis. at 20° C., cst: 27.50

Vis. at 40° C., cst: 13.60

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 10.200

Paraffins, wt %: 26.6

Naphthenes, wt %: 41.8

Aromatics, wt %: 31.6

Pour point, °C.: -45

Wax, wt %: 4.0

C7 asphaltenes, wt %: 1.3

Micro carbon residue, wt %: 5.5

Rams. carbon residue, wt %: 4.8

Vanadium, ppm (wt): 17.0

Nickel, ppm (wt): 24.0

Methane, ethane, wt %: 0.02

Propane, wt %: 0.39

Isobutane, wt %: 0.25

n-Butane, wt %: 0.91

iso-Pentane, wt %: 0.63

n-Pentane, wt %: 0.85

Cyclopentane, wt %: 0.08

C6 paraffins, wt %: 1.46

C6 naphthenes, wt %: 0.81

Benzene, wt %: 0.04

C7 paraffins, wt %: 1.22

C7 naphthenes, wt %: 1.59

Toulene, wt %: 0.18

Atmospheric distillation

Pentanes to 65° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 2.4

Yield on crude, vol %: 3.2

Cumulative yield, wt %: 3.9

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.643

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 88.5

Total sulfur, wt %: 0.001

Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 1.0

RON (clear): 78.7

MON (clear): 78.1

Paraffins, wt %: 96.6

Naphthenes, wt %: 3.4

Hydrogen, wt %: 16.6

65 - 100° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 3.4

Yield on crude, vol %: 4.1

Cumulative yield, wt %: 7.3

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.714

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 66.5

Total sulfur, wt %: 0.002

Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 2.7

RON (clear): 59.1

MON (clear): 56.8

Paraffins, wt %: 55.8

Naphthenes, wt %: 43.0

Aromatics, wt %: 1.2

Hydrogen, wt %: 15.3

100 - 150° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 6.1

Yield on crude, vol %: 7.1

Cumulative yield, wt %: 13.4

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.762

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 54.1

UOP K factor: 11.8

Total sulfur, wt %: 0.011

Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 2.1

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.02

RON (clear): 62.2

MON (clear): 55.6

Paraffins, wt %: 43.2

Naphthenes, wt %: 45.2

Aromatics, wt %: 11.5

Aniline point, °C.: 51.7

Hydrogen, wt %: 14.3

150 - 200° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 6.5

Yield on crude, vol %: 7.2

Cumulative yield, wt %: 19.9

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.793

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 46.9

UOP K factor: 11.7

Total sulfur, ppm: 0.036

Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 2.0

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.09

Vis. at 20° C., cst: 1.31

Vis. at 40° C., cst: 1.01

RON (clear): 50.3

MON (clear): 43.4

Paraffins, wt %: 39.8

Naphthenes, wt %: 42.5

Aromatics, wt %: 17.7

Freeze point, °C.: -71

Smoke point, mm: 24

Cetane index: 37

Naphthalenes, vol %: 0.1

Aniline point, °C.: 55.3

Hydrogen, wt %: 13.9

200 - 250° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 7.6

Yield on crude, vol %: 8.1

Cumulative yield, wt %: 27.5

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.826

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 39.7

UOP K factor: 11.7

Total sulfur, ppm: 0.090

Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 2.1

Total nitrogen, ppm: 3

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 4.815

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.24

Vis. at 40° C., cst: 1.71

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 1.460

Pour point, °C.: -57

Cloud point, °C.: -54

Freeze point, °C.: -51

Smoke point, mm: 21

Cetane index: 42

Naphthalenes, vol %: 1.8

Aniline point, °C.: 61.5

Hydrogen, wt %: 13.3

250 - 300° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 8.3

Yield on crude, vol %: 8.6

Cumulative yield, wt %: 35.8

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.850

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 34.8

UOP K factor: 11.7

Total sulfur, ppm: 0.192

Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 2.2

Total nitrogen, ppm: 21

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 24.360

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.47

Vis. at 40° C., cst: 3.23

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 2.630

Pour point, °C.: -34

Cloud point, °C.: -31

Freeze point, °C.: -28

Smoke point, mm: 17

Cetane index: 49

Naphthalenes, vol %: 5.7

Aniline point, °C.: 66.5

Hydrogen, wt %: 12.7

300 - 350° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 8.5

Yield on crude, vol %: 8.5

Cumulative yield, wt %: 44.2

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.873

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 30.4

UOP K factor: 11.7

Total sulfur, ppm: 0.443

Total nitrogen, ppm: 157

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 89.620

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.65

Vis. at 40° C., cst: 7.05

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 5.380

Pour point, °C.: -8

Cloud point, °C.: -6

Cetane index: 54

Naphthalenes, vol %: 9.4

Aniline point, °C.: 70.1

Hydrogen, wt %: 12.3

350 - 370° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 3.4

Yield on crude, vol %: 3.3

Cumulative yield, wt %: 47.6

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.892

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 27.0

UOP K factor: 11.7

Total sulfur, ppm: 0.610

Total nitrogen, ppm: 393

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 165.500

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.72

Vis. at 40° C., cst: 13.50

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 9.670

Pour point, °C.: 6

Cetane index: 56

Aniline point, °C.: 72.6

Hydrogen, wt %: 12.0

370° + C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 52.4

Yield on crude, vol %: 47.4

Cumulative yield, wt %: 100.0

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.974

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 13.7

UOP K factor: 11.7

Total sulfur, ppm: 1.090

Total nitrogen, ppm: 4,709

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 1,327.00

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.48

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 2,679.000

Vis. at 60° C., cst: 1,122.0

Vis. at 100° C., cst: 93.80

Pour point, °C.: 30

Wax, wt %: 6.5

C7 asphaltenes, wt %: 2.5

Micro carbon residue, wt %: 10.5

Rams. carbon residue, wt %: 9.2

Vanadium, ppm (wt): 32.5

Nickel, ppm (wt): 45.7

Vacuum distillation

370 - 450° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 13.6

Yield on crude, vol %: 13.1

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.918

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 22.5

UOP K factor: 11.7

Total sulfur, ppm: 0.670

Total nitrogen, ppm: 848

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 312.000

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.76

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 24.00

Vis. at 60° C., cst: 16.4

Vis. at 100° C., cst: 5.35

Pour point, °C.: 24

Aniline point, °C.: 76.3

Hydrogen, wt %: 11.5

Wax, wt %: 6.8

450 - 500° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 8.4

Yield on crude, vol %: 7.9

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.939

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 19.1

UOP K factor: 11.8

Total sulfur, ppm: 0.810

Total nitrogen, ppm: 1,877

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 576.300

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.73

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 99.90

Vis. at 60° C., cst: 58.8

Vis. at 100° C., cst: 12.80

Pour point, °C.: 40

Aniline point, °C.: 80.6

Hydrogen, wt %: 11.0

Wax, wt %: 7.6

Micro carbon residue, wt %: 0.1

Rams. carbon residue, wt %: 0.1

500 - 550° C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 7.7

Yield on crude, vol %: 7.1

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.955

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 16.6

UOP K factor: 11.8

Total sulfur, ppm: 1.000

Total nitrogen, ppm: 3,337

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 864.100

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.59

Vis. at 50° C., cst: 461.00

Vis. at 60° C., cst: 233.0

Vis. at 100° C., cst: 33.10

Pour point, °C.: 48

Aniline point, °C.: 83.2

Hydrogen, wt %: 10.6

Wax, wt %: 7.7

C7 asphaltenes, wt %: 0.2

Micro carbon residue, wt %: 1.7

Rams. carbon residue, wt %: 1.5

550° + C.

Yield on crude, wt %: 22.6

Yield on crude, vol %: 19.3

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 1.032

API gravity at 60/60° F.: 5.5

UOP K factor: 11.5

Total sulfur, ppm: 1.470

Total nitrogen, ppm: 8,554

Basic nitrogen, ppm: 2,375.200

Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.19

Vis. at 100° C., cst: 40,148.00

Vis. at 130° C., cst: 2,867

Pour point, °C.: 69

Wax, wt %: 5.6

C7 asphaltenes, wt %: 5.7

Micro carbon residue, wt %: 23.7

Rams. carbon residue, wt %: 20.7

Vanadium, ppm (wt): 75.1

Nickel, ppm (wt): 105.9