DET to auction regasification capacity for Stade floating LNG terminal

Nov. 30, 2023
On Dec. 11 and 14, Deutsche Energy Terminal will market regasification for its 5-billion cu m/year send-out capacity floating LNG terminal in Stade, Germany, scheduled to begin operations first-quarter 2024.

On Dec. 11 and 14, Deutsche Energy Terminal (DET) GMBH will market regasification for its 5-billion cu m/year (bcmy) send-out capacity floating LNG terminal in Stade, Germany, scheduled to begin operations first-quarter 2024.

DET will auction half of the capacity available for 2024 in this round. All available slots with a delivery obligation will be offered Dec. 11. The non-marketed slots will then be offered Dec. 14 without a delivery obligation.  

Responsible for operating and marketing the capacities of the four floating LNG terminals on the German North Sea coast, DET earlier this year held its auction for regasification capacities (including storage and send-out) at the terminals it operates (OGJ Sept. 20, 2023). Two auction rounds held Oct. 16 and Oct. 23 offered rights for short-term capacities in 2024 at the 3.5-bcmy Brunsbüttel and 6-bcmy Wilhelmshaven 1 terminals, respectively.

Stade is the future sight of the Hanseatic Energy Hub, which will feature a 13.3-bcmy onshore LNG terminal designed for conversion to ammonia imports in preparation for the market ramp-up of hydrogen. The hub is expected to enter LNG service in 2027. 

About the Author

Christopher E. Smith | Editor in Chief

Christopher brings 27 years of experience in a variety of oil and gas industry analysis and reporting roles to his work as Editor-in-Chief, specializing for the last 15 of them in midstream and transportation sectors.