Eni offloads first LNG cargo in new Pembino regasification terminal

May 5, 2023
Eni SPA has begun offloading the first LNG cargo into Snam’s new regasification terminal in Piombino, Italy, May 5. The terminal has a total processing capacity of 5 billion cu m/year, or about 7% of Italy's gas demand.

Eni SPA has begun offloading the first LNG cargo into Snam’s new regasification terminal in Piombino, Italy, May 5. The terminal has a total processing capacity of 5 billion cu m/year, or about 7% of Italy's gas demand.

The LNG was produced at the 7.56 billion cu m/year Damietta LNG plant in Egypt.

Piombino’s new regasification capacity will help Eni replace Russian gas by 2024-2025 and increase the availability of gas for the country, the company said in a release May 5.

Eni acquired regasification capacity at Piombino terminal as part of its strategy to diversify LNG supplies to Italy through its internationally produced equity gas. The company has increased volumes of available gas from Algeria, Libya, and Italy and increased the number of LNG cargoes from Egypt, Congo, Qatar, Angola, Nigeria, Indonesia, and Mozambique, the company said.

Contracted LNG is expected to exceed 18 million tonnes/year by 2026, twice as much as in 2022.