Sierra Instruments, Inc.

Monterey, CA


About Sierra Instruments, Inc.


5 Harris Court, Building L
Monterey, CA

More Info on Sierra Instruments, Inc.

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A global leader in flow measurement and control for over 40 years, Sierra instruments designs and manufactures fluid flow measurement and control solutions for customers spanning across global industries as diverse as scientific research, oil & gas, energy management, semiconductor, clean energy, aerospace and biotech to name a few. In everything we do, we challenge the status quo and thrill in doing the “never before possible” to continually push our technologies and solutions to the next level. With over 150 locations in over 50 countries, Sierra is uniquely positioned to provide innovative products and lifetime support for the leading companies of today and the growth enterprises of tomorrow.

Videos & Resources

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Measure Flare Gas in Real Time: Real-Time Adjustments for Changes in Gas Composition at Low Flows

Aug. 15, 2019
Discover how thermal mass flow meters with qMix-RealTime™ software automatically update flare gas composition from a gas chromatograph, real-time, no calibration needed in Sierra...

Achieving Flare Gas Measurement Accuracy Regardless of Changing Gas Composition

April 19, 2019
One of the major challenges oil & gas engineers face for EPA compliance is accurately measuring gas mixtures with changing gas compositions in applications like distribution systems...

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All content from Sierra Instruments, Inc.


Measuring flare gas in real time: how a groundbreaking new technology is helping companies meet government flare gas regulations

Oct. 4, 2019
Now with qMix-RealTime™ software, thermal mass flow meters automatically update flare gas composition from a gas chromatograph, real-time—no calibration needed. This helps companies...