Objectivity, Inc.

Sunnyvale, CA


About Objectivity, Inc.


640 W. California Ave.
Ste. 210
Sunnyvale, CA

More Info on Objectivity, Inc.

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Objectivity, Inc. provides data management products and services for vendors in every stage of the oil and gas production chain, from discovery to delivery. Our company's flagship product, Objectivity/DB, can be used to manage massive volumes of complex, interrelated data in applications for both upstream and downstream operations. Within upstream operations, Objectivity/DB can enable the creation of exploration systems that collect massive amounts of disparate data in multiple formats (including GPS, acoustic, compass and other sensor data) and process the information for predictive analysis. Analysts can see data as it is collected in real time and determine the size and potential value of a payload before drilling begins. The product is also an ideal fit for downstream solutions, including those that streamline supply chain management and refining processes. Objectivity/DB can store information from all data points along the supply chain and allow the information to be displayed to multiple parties in a single logical view. With better collaboration between points on the supply chain, analysts, operators, and managers can optimize their communication and get product where it needs to be, when it needs to be there. Objectivity, Inc. is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, USA. A 60-day free trial of Objectivity/DB is available at www.objectivity.com, and Objectivity also provides free web-based Object Database Training Courses.


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