
Lakewood, OH 44107


About ProComSol


13001 Athens Ave. , Suite 220
Lakewood, OH 44107
United States

More Info on ProComSol

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ProComSol, Ltd was founded in 2005 and has become the leading provider of technically advanced, cost-effective communication solutions to the HART marketplace.  The president, Jeffrey Dobos, has 19 years experience developing products with HART technology.  The company also designs and manufactures RS232, USB, and Bluetooth HART modems.  In combination with the modems, the company’s Smart Communicator Software and Apps are used to convert any PC, Tablet, or Smartphone into a full featured, DD based HART Communicator.

Videos & Resources

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Advantages of a Mobile App Based HART Communicator

Aug. 5, 2019
The PC based HART communicator has been around for many years, but until recently ir has not been a true "hand held" HART communicator. The main reason is that Windows devices...

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