Commodity XL- the industry’s leading trading and risk management solution

Nov. 1, 2007
Commodity XLTM is Triple Point’s flagship solution and is the only commodity trading and risk management system that works across multiple commodities, in real-time from front-to-back office.

The only real-time, straight-through processing, multi-commodity solution

Commodity XLTM is Triple Point’s flagship solution and is the only commodity trading and risk management system that works across multiple commodities, in real-time from front-to-back office. It is an integrated solution that profitably manages the complex, ever-changing requirements of physical and financial markets.

Handle multiple commodities, globally

Commodity XL delivers unique functionality for each commodity you trade including oil, base and precious metals, power, natural gas, biofuels, coal, freight and softs. Each module has been specifically designed to fully support the particular requirements of that asset class. At the same time Commodity XL is a common platform that enables aggregated risk management and consolidated back office efficiencies. Commodity XL encompasses global and regional requirements to support your entire enterprise.

Meet aggressive implementation timelines

At Triple Point, we know that time is money - so we established our Quick StartTM program to get you up and running fast. Since introducing the Quick Start program, many clients have achieved full production in less than four months including leading investment banks and energy companies. Our proven ability to deploy our world-class solutions both on time and on budget has established Triple Point as the solution of choice.

Streamline operations and improve business management

Commodity XL delivers business intelligence for better decision making, streamlines operations, and provides reporting and audit trails for compliance and control allowing you to turn day-to-day operations into better business results. In February 2007, Triple Point launched Commodity XL 6.0. In independent lab testing, Commodity XL, already the industry’s leading ETRM system, demonstrated a 5X leap forward in performance. The ability to handle much more data faster enables the system to capture, make available and manage every detail of a trade, schedule, counter-party contract, etc. at the lowest level of granularity.

Effectively execute even the most complex trades

Commodity XL’s ability to “crunch” through vast sets of data create significant competitive advantages which can be seen in new functionality such as P&L attribution, risk coasters, hourly scalars and user defined forward price curve blocks. Also, the more granular processing of data supports your need for more and more complex deal structures.

Report and analyze with unparalleled flexibility

Reporting - with Commodity XL, every screen is a report showing information in real-time. Sort, filter and group all data according to the needs of each business area. Drill down or across to the lowest level of detail or roll up to view data in aggregation.

Analysis - Commodity XL provides real-time analysis models at multiple points in the life cycle of a transaction, including P&L attribution, margin analysis, VaR and “what if” scenarios. It also has seamless import/export integration with Excel.

Management Dashboard drives intelligent decision-making by supplying executives with key performance indicators (KPIs) and real-time business insight.
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Mine data for insightful business intelligence
In summer 2007, Triple Point launched Commodity XL Management DashboardTM, a business intelligence module that mines trading, risk and supply chain data to provide unique, insightful analysis for better management decision making. This robust business intelligence solution for executives aggregates data from a variety of functions, providing sophisticated analytic tools and creating a real-time graphical depiction of the business. It drives intelligent decision-making by supplying executives with key performance indicators (KPIs) and real-time business insight.

Integrate from the front to the back-office

With straight-through processing, your organization eliminates data re-entry and errors. In addition, delays in data reaching each person in the transaction chain are eliminated resulting in faster decision making in markets where every second counts. The reduction in errors coupled with integrated processing results in lower transaction costs.

Enhance compliance and control

Commodity XL provides one version of the “numbers” across divisions, products and geographies. All documents are stored automatically for audit purposes and all reports required by regulators are generated. Every change to the system is captured and documented for a detailed audit trail to ensure accountability.

Manage transactions in real-time

Commodity XL is designed to deliver all the required functionality and support every role throughout the life cycle of both physical and financial commodity transactions. From executive to trader to risk manager to scheduler to accountant, Commodity XL provides the right information, presented in the proper format and delivers the results you require.

Connect with leading commodity exchanges

Through its Commodity XL Xchange module, Triple Point provides real-time, straight-through processing (STP) from exchange trade execution to all Commodity XL functions, including risk management, scheduling and the back office. Xchange connects to both the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX).

Join a world-class client base

Commodity XL has been adopted by leading financial institutions, energy companies, metals groups, softs organizations and commodity trading houses. Triple Point serves customers located on all continents and its solutions are used by more than 25% of both Global 500 commodity trading companies and Global 500 energy companies.

Deploy an award winning solution

Triple Point has garnered numerous company and product awards including being named “Software House of the Year” and voted the “Top Trading and Portfolio Management” solution. Triple Point was also chosen for the “Excellence in Energy Technology” award and selected for the “Gold Innovation” prize. For its ninth year in a row, Triple Point was also named to the “Deloitte Technology Fast 50.”

Triple Point’s P&L attribution function identifies drivers behind shifts in portfolio value, displaying them in user-friendly graphical format.
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About Triple Point Technology, Inc.
Triple Point Technology is the leader in trading, risk management, scheduling and logistics solutions for commodities including oil, base and precious metals, power, natural gas, biofuels, coal, freight and softs. Triple Point Commodity XL profitably manages the complex, ever-changing requirements of physical and financial markets. Commodity XL integrates front-to-back office and delivers best-of-breed functionality for the supply, trading, marketing and movement of commodities on a single next-generation platform. Triple Point’s real-time system helps customers of all sizes streamline trade processing, reduce transaction costs, maximize supply chain efficiencies, precisely measure and manage market risk, evaluate performance, and ensure regulatory and accounting compliance.

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