By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Oct. 5 – A group led by Melrose Resources PLC, Edinburgh, plans to shoot 2,000 line-km of 2D seismic in early 2010 on the remote 57,000-acre Mesaha exploration in southwestern Egypt near the border with Sudan.
An exploration well could be drilled in late 2010, Melrose Resources said.
Interpretation of 1,570 km of gravity data and reprocessed aeromagnetic and regional seismic data “are very encouraging and confirm the presence of a large unexplored sedimentary basin” in the western part of the concession, Melrose Resources said.
Melrose Resources is operator with 40% interest, and Hellenic Petroleum SA and Oil Search Ltd. each has 30% (OGJ Online, Aug. 11, 2008).