Sasol Ltd., Johannesburg, has begun work on a $22 million tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) unit at its Secunda synthetic fuels/refining complex.
The plant is to go on stream by mid-1997 and will be used to make about 28% of Secunda's gasoline output unleaded. Sasol produces about 6.5 million kl/year of liquid fuels at Secunda.
Unleaded gasoline was introduced into South Africa in February 1996 and now accounts for about 10% of total gasoline demand.
Sasol has acquired advanced reactive distillation technology entailing two main processes: selective hydrogenation and etherification.
A third technology, skeletal isomerization, may be acquired to increase output of leaded gasoline if demand warrants. Sasol has enough high octane component capacity at Secunda to meet current demand for unleaded fuel.
"Once the growth in unleaded gasoline consumption gains significant impetus," it said, "Sasol will need alternative sources of octane-boosting chemicals, hence the decision to build a TAME plant.
"This project is being complemented by another to construct a $20 million hydroisomerization plant (at Secunda)."
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