New drilling rig generator
Here's the new 1,500 kw, 2,500 kva Model 6P6.6-3400 drilling rig generator, smaller and less costly than the company's current 2,500 kva design.
The unit is designed to match the Caterpillar Inc. engine, promising rugged, reliable, and economic rig power.
The generator measures 103 in. long by 51.5 in. high and weighs 15,100 lb. Copper amortisseur windings are standard on the rotor to lessen damper cage heating caused by nonlinear loads.
The company says the rotor can withstand high rotational force and salt-laden environments.
Source: Kato Engineering Inc., Box 8447, Mankato, MN 56002.
New in-line load cell works in compression, tension
The new Model RG load cell is a compression/tension in-line unit capable of withstanding torque and off-axis loads.
It exhibits only 0.003 in. full scale deflection and is suited for in-line applications where side loading cannot be completely controlled. Its uses include monitoring cable tension and actuator forces, plus parts retrieval from deep well or offshore platforms.
The RG Series is available for a range of 2,000-50,000 lb and can be configured with integral male or female threads. Excitation up to 15 v DC or AC is acceptable and standard output is 2 mv/v. Combined linearity and hysteresis is ±0.25% over an operating temperature range of -65° to +250° F. Optional outputs include 0-5 v DC and 4-20 ma, and a variety of tongue shackles, yoke shackles, and rod end bearings is available.
The stainless steel RG is fully welded, hermetically sealed, and has a 50% overload capacity rating.
Source: Sensotec Inc., 2080 Arlingate Lane, Columbus, OH 43228.
Patent granted regenerable hydrocarbon filter
A US patent has been granted for a regenerable hydrocarbon filter for the HCX process, which is designed to maintain constant amine solvent purity by removing iron sulfide, hydrocarbons, and heat stable salts.
The new filter will help increase throughput of sour crude and hydrocarbon products by minimizing foam generation during amine system operations. This also helps reduce the frequency and magnitude of operational problems and helps lower maintenance costs, the company points out.
Source: MPR Services Inc., Box 567, Dickinson, TX 77539.
Computational fluid dynamics software updated
CFX-5.5.1 is the latest version of this firm's computational fluid dynamics software system, which allows engineers to apply CFX to a range of flows by providing new models and offering near total interoperability between the range of existing models.
For example, multiphase batch mixer analyses can now combine existing coupled multiphase fluid models with proved multiple frame of reference (MFR) technology to solve these physically complex flows quickly, the company says. The effects of chemical reactions and heat transfer can also now be included in MFR models. In addition, all models can also be used in conjunction with CFX-5's existing generalized grid interface capability.
Enhancements have been added to multiphase and free surface capabilities. The number of phases in a multiphase analysis is now unlimited, so that fluidized beds and particle separators with multiple particle sizes can be simulated with ease, the firm notes.
The free surface flow model has been expanded to include a bulk energy equation, low speed variable density, fluid-specific additional variables, and fluid-specific multicomponent fluids.
A surface tension model is now available that allows the engineer to predict flows accurately in capillary tubes and the coalescence of liquid droplets.
Expansion of the available MFR models allows the analyst greater flexibility investigating the interaction of rotating and stationary components, the company points out.
For instance, multistage gas compressors can be analyzed with one blade row per component using the stage interface; or, full dynamic behavior can be simulated using the transient rotor stator option.
Source: AEA Technology Engineering Software, 554 Parkside Drive, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 5Z4.
UV searchlight aids oil spill detection
ColorLight, a searchlight, uses UV (blacklight) technology for quick and cost-effective results in the early stages of oil spill detection.
It allows clear visibility of oil spills through darkness, fog, rain, and snow by using UV light to illuminate the fluorescent properties inherent to oil. It features a dual-headed lamp with a self-contained halogen and UV light capable of rotating 360° in vertical and horizontal planes. Each lamp can also be operated independently and includes a patented parabolic reflector with myriad angled steps to focus light in wide and narrow beams.
In clear weather, the halogen lamp has a range of 4,400 yd, and the UV searchlight has a range of 1,500 yd. In addition, ColorLight can be remotely operated by joystick control and features a durable stainless steel housing.
Source: Sunnex Inc., 3 Huron Drive, Natick, MA 01760.