Antiseize compound metal-free, rated to 2,400° F.
New 550 petrochemical grade anti-seize compound has a –65° to +2,400° F. (–54° to +1,315° C.) temperature rating.
The formula is free of sulfur, lead, copper, and other environmentally undesirable metals. It is nonsetting and prevents rust, so it is suited for environments and processes where moisture is present. The molybdenum disulfide content provides a low coefficient of friction, suiting it for rough-cut threads made of cast iron, steel, and most alloys.
The antiseize was designed for high temperature applications in ethylene and acetylene piping, heat exchanger, and cat cracker connections. Applications range from high-speed turbines to high load slow moving bearings.
Source: Jet Lube, 4849 Homestead Rd., Suite 200, Houston, TX 77028.
Free guide to weld metal selection
Easily identify the appropriate consumable for an application with the latest edition of the Weld Metal Selector Guide, offered free upon request.
To use the guide (Brochure C1.50), an operator specifies a metal type, grade, strength requirement, and the type of welding process to be used, and the guide will recommend an electrode. Users can choose from American Society of Testing and Materials, American Petroleum Institute, or American Bureau of Shipping specifications.
The free guide covers processes that include stick, MIG, submerged arc, selfshielded, and gas-shielded flux-cored electrodes.
Also included is general information on each classification, such as tensile strength, yield strength, and steel chemistry.
The guide is presented in a chart format, making it easy to conclude which types of metals and processes work best together. The first 2 pages of the guide consist of a legend of the codes that appear throughout the remainder of the literature. These codes make it easy for the user quickly to find the electrode that works best with the application.
Source: Lincoln Electric Co., 22801 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44117-1199.
New switch-gauge has low, high set points
The new 45-PHL series pressure switch-gauge with low and high set points utilizes a special, helically wound coil of Inconel to determine and display the monitored pressure.
This approach eliminates internal gears and linkages. The 45-PHL offers extended service life, accuracy (±1%), and repeatable readings across the range of application and environmental conditions. Fifteen pressure ranges are available.
To insure simple retrofit in the field, the switch-gauge is packaged in a 41/2 in. round weather-resistant case designed to fit into industry-standard panel cutouts.
The switch set point arrangement features two color-coded low-high set point adjustment knobs on the front of the gauge. The stainless steel connection stem is user-adjustable in the field for bottom or back connection. Stainless steel components are used in the construction of the device.
Source: Altronic Inc., 712 Trumbull Ave., Girard, OH 44420.
Free pipeline ball valve brochure
A new, free brochure describes Series P3 trunnion-mounted pipeline ball valves. The brochure provides technical features, applicable standards, material specifications, dimensional tables, and pressure, temperature, and flow data, as well as optional features and delivery information.
Valves are available in sizes 2-48 in. in ANSI 150-1500. They are designed to meet severe, demanding pipeline applications, and they meet industry standards such as API 6D, API 6A, API 6FA fire-safe certification, API Q 1, and NACE MR01-75.
Valves feature a three-piece bolted body design. This design allows for flexibility, and the end configurations can be changed quickly and efficiently to provide responsive service.
A variety of enhancements includes stem extensions, weld pups, valve automation, extended piping for buried service, and tar set coating, as well as other value added options.
The spring loaded seat design provides a tight seal at lower differential pressures, allowing the line pressure to effect a piston action that forces the seat to the ball for a bubbletight seal.
Source: KF Industries Div., Circor International Inc., Box 95249, Oklahoma City, OK 73143-5249.