West Oil NL, West Perth, was awarded 1,672 sq km WA-316-P in the Australian Timor Sea, Bonaparte basin, 70 km west of Bayu-Undan gas and condensate field.
West will reprocess 2D seismic in the first year and drill a well in the third year. The permit is in 60-100 m of water off northernmost Western Australia between the Londonderry high and Sahul syncline. Nine wells were drilled during 1972-98.
WA-316-P has several Plover sandstone oil prospects and the Avocet Deep prospect with a P50 potential of 3 tcf in Permian limestones. Avocet Deep, to be offered for farmout, is about 85 km southwest of Corallina, Laminaria, and Buffalo oil fields.
Authorities released data acquired during exploration of the Fylla and Sisimiut-West licenses off western Greenland.
A group led by Statoil relinquished License 03/97, and a group led by Phillips Petroleum Co. released License 09/98, effective Dec. 31, 2001.
Gas deliveries began from Gocerler gas field 150 km west of Istanbul through an 18.6 km pipeline to a power station in the Misinli Industrial Area, said operator Amity Oil Ltd., West Perth.
Sales to a second customer were expected shortly. The Amity-Turkish Petroleum Corp. 50-50 joint venture was drilling the Beyazkoy-1 well.
Meanwhile, Gocerler-2 flowed at a stabilized rate of 5.4 MMcfd on a 36/64 in. choke with 670 psi FTP with an unmeasured volume of condensate from Tertiary Danismen at 1,253-70 m. This is the middle of three Danismen zones penetrated by the Gocerler-1 discovery well, which flowed gas from the lower of the three zones (OGJ, Nov. 13, 2000, p. 35).
Heritage Oil Corp., Calgary, and Energy Africa, Cape Town, were acquiring seismic data in December 2001 on the Semliki flats, western Uganda, in the Albert graben section of the East African Rift basin. The program was for more than 200 km of 2D data to help target a well location and infill a 2D grid acquired in 1998. Heritage mobilized a rig that is expected to spud a well in first half 2002.