The editorial "Punishment vs. prog ress" (OGJ, Jan. 14, 2002, p. 17) gives the illusion of industry whining when it also spells out the very approach to make real progress.
The editorial preaches to the choir, when it needs to be heard by the general public. The industry should take its po sition to the public, in easy-to-under stand language that tells what is happen ing now and what will happen in the future.
Make the picture stick. Call The Sierra Club dishonest; call the EPA too aggressive and illogical. But be certain that the picture painted and the future results shown are true and actually happen. Use clear, easy-to-measure and understand facts about where we are and where we will be.
The only way to beat these people is to go public and very loudly. They are organized but not unbeatable. Use their own lies to discredit them. Look at their past performances and use the inconsistencies to your advantage.
I believe industry is made up of good people, many of whom are my neighbors and friends. I know politicos on the left as well, and they cannot be trusted.
I believe it's time to stand up for what is right and not bow to these false gods. I pray someone takes up the challenge and returns sanity to our national dialogue.
John Lagace
Petroleum Engineer
Kingwood, Tex.