Remote monitor notifies via fax, pager, email
This Instruwatch remote monitoring system checks inputs from equipment remotely and provides automatic notification of alarm events by fax, pager, or email. Just hook it up and log on, the company notes.
Connect analog or discrete outputs to the unit and it notifies you of any preset alarm condition through a wireless data network to this firm's secure internet website. There are no access fees and no special software training needed.
There's no software to install and no annual maintenance.
The unit monitors and controls cathodic equipment, storage tank levels, pump stations, gas compressors, and pipelines.
Source: Siemens Energy & Automation, 734 West North Carrier Pkwy., Grand Prairie, TX 75050.
Multipoint flow processor continuously reports
A new pitot based flow processor, the PT MassFlow Profiler, takes differential pressure measurements from as many as three points simultaneously to characterize complex flow patterns within the process.
In addition to the internal pressure transducers, the system continuously measures static duct pressure and gas temperature. When combined with customer data, the system calculates mass flow, velocity, and volumetric flow.
Two isolated analog outputs can be independently assigned to any measured or calculated parameters in the system, such as velocity and mass flow. And two relays are available, one assigned to system OK and the other a user selectable alarm.
All inputs and outputs can be scaled and calibrated using the configuration software provided. This software runs on a PC and communicates to the profiler via either RS232 or RS485 serial communications. All transducers are temperature compensated and withstand much higher pressures than their measurement ranges without sustaining damage, the company points out.
Source: Epsilon Technologies LLC, 112 Plant Ave., Wayne, PA 19087.
New reservoir analysis software
Two new reservoir software programs are on the market.
- The (RC)2 Antero product suite offers ease of use and complex faulted framework construction coupled with 3D geocellular property simulation, three-phase streamline modeling, and platform independence.
- SUREGrid 5.0 is a graphical preprocessor and postprocessor for reservoir simulators. The gridding tool can handle complex faulted frameworks and can quickly build a full static simulation model and write out proper interfaces for all simulators running on Windows or UNIX platforms.
(RC)2 Antero: Its capabilities include the ability to model faults accurately, even in large, complexly faulted reservoirs. The new software can handle an unlimited number of normal, reverse, listric, or locally defined faults, laterally and vertically, efficiently constructing 3D reservoir models with topologically sealed volumes along all faults, horizons, and other boundaries. When combined with SUREGrid, Antero offers fault modeling workflow that can capture and preserve the structural model of a complexly faulted reservoir from seismic to simulation without compromising the original interpretation, the firm says.
New Antero modules provide methods for ranking simulation runs and incorporating engineering data into the modeling process. An optional component provides three-phase streamline fluid-flow modeling, giving users the ability to forward model or to invert permeability distributions using time-lapsed engineering data.
The new software will support Windows 2000, Sun Solaris, and SGI IRIX operating systems. The client-server architecture of (RC)2 Antero allows multidisciplinary teams to work together on platforms of their choice while storing data and running computationally intensive processes on network machines.
SUREGrid: Using this software, complex fault surfaces can be imported from standard 3D geological modeling packages and easily gridded without alteration, the company notes.
SUREGrid's perpendicular bisection (PEBI) gridding moves only the block faces along faults, not the Cartesian grid nodes, preserving mathematically correct flow connections between neighboring cells. Unstructured PEBI gridding also allows for the introduction of multiple grids simultaneously and the ability to set different parts of the same model at different scales.
This enables the reservoir engineer to better match cell sizes with data uncertainty, minimizing the total number of block and improving simulator accuracy and performance.
Source: Veritas DGC Inc., 10300 Town Park, Houston, TX 77072.
Free drying systems brochure
A new 12-page purification and drying systems brochure is available free for the request.
It describes custom gas and liquid dehydration and purification systems that help solve process problems. Also described are standard refrigerated and dual-tower desiccant dryers.
Packaged systems remove moisture and contaminants from process streams.
Source: PSB Industries Inc., General Air Div., 1202 West 12th St., Erie, PA 16501.