They don't make Democrats like this anymore. Shortly after World War II, in choosing members to serve in an advisory capacity at deliberations of the Repar ations Commission to determine the part Germany must accept in rehabilitation of the restoration of the overrun territories of Europe, President Truman said, "The men chosen for this vital mission should inspire the confidence of all Americans. They are eminently qualified to do the job." The selections were oil men Edwin Pauley of Los Angeles and his associate Isador Lubin; J. Howard Marshall, president of Ashland Refining Co., also a former assistant deputy administrator of Petroleum Administration for War (PAW); and Jubal R. Parten of Houston, formerly director of transportation in PAW and president of Woodley Petroleum Co. *
Vice-president Dick Cheney has five different groups, along with Democrats in Congress, demanding and receiving documents related to the energy task force, to determine who influenced the administration's energy plan. The patient has a brain tumor and these people want an auto mechanic to operate. President Truman used industry experts to do a job for our country and it is hoped that vice-president Cheney did too.
Members of Congress from the heavily populated consuming states have learned nothing from the OPEC embargo of 1973, the record freezes during the winter of 1976-77, and the terrorists bombings of our military that was sent to protect foreign oil supplies. These congress persons and their support groups have again turned to finger pointing, fault finding, and false accusations.
Instead of continuing to hassle with the Senate about energy policy, there should be a Grand Jury to determine the punishment of those responsible for allowing our nation to become so dependent on foreign oil that our people became the target of terrorists from these oil producing countries. Let us start issuing subpoenas.
Doyle T. Grogan
Note: The first paragraph of this letter is copied from an article on page 64 of Oil & Gas Journal, June 2, 1945. This was included in Henery D. Ralph's reporting on "oil greases the road to Tokyo." *Denotes new listing or a change in previously published information.