Multivariable meter offers mass flow accuracy
The PROline Promass 80F multivariable meter measures mass, volume, density, and temperature. It has an accuracy for mass flow of ±0.15% in liquids and ±0.5% in gas.
The F sensor is a dual tube version with a fully welded design. Process fittings, welded directly to the flow splitter, eliminate the need for internal gaskets, reducing the risk of leakage points and helps ensure process safety. Secondary containment is a standard feature, with a 230-580 psi pressure rating. This second line of defense provides increased process safety, especially for applications with toxic and hazardous liquids and gases.
The Promass 80 transmitter has a two-line, backlit display, allowing two measuring variables to be freely assigned on the display. It features pushbutton operation and guided setup to make configuration quick and easy. Its self-diagnostic function, with clear text messages, helps simplify troubleshooting.
Source: Endress+Hauser Inc., 2350 Endress Place, Greenwood, IN 46143.
One-size spreader fits all flanges
The patented AUTO-SPREADER flange spreader fits all sizes and classes of flanges.
It creates and maintains up to a 3 in. gap in a single pass, the company notes.
It's available in hydraulic and manual versions.
The firm says the tool helps increase safety for maintenance personnel because of the parallel serrated jaw design that eliminates drift and slippage on all sizes and classes of flanges without the use of wedges.
It features integral jaws that open simultaneously.
Source: Fastorq Bolting Systems Inc., Box 60869 AMF, Houston, TX 77205-0869.
Addition of large generator sets expands rental fleet
Large, natural gas engine generators have been added to this firm's national rental fleet to complement standard diesel powered equipment.
The new modularized model 1250GQNA generator sets are powered by the QSV91G lean-burn gas engine and are rated at 1.25 MW.
These natural gas powered rental generators feature high fuel efficiency and low emissions, suiting them for high hour peaking or prime power applications, the company points out.
When natural gas supplies are available on site and longer hours of generator operation are anticipated, these new lean-burn gas engine rental generators offer excellent fuel economy and emissions that are comparable with uncontrolled gas turbines, the company says.
The gas engine generators are powered by a four-stroke, high-speed, spark-ignited, natural gas engine. Using a lean mixture of fuel and air, combustion temperatures are reduced, thereby reducing the production of NOx. The result is high power output with NOx emissions as low as 0.85 g/bhp-hr, and low volumes of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter.
Rental generator sets are factory integrated power systems complete with control panel, starting system, and Power Command digital controllers for instantaneous synchronization and precise system monitoring. Compact for their capacity, the generator sets also feature sound-attenuation.
The QSV91G model produces an output of 1.25 MW at 60 hz and features a 91 l., 18-cylinder spark-ignited natural gas engine with turbocharging and after-cooling.
Source: Cummins Power Rent, 1400 73rd Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-3796.
Underwater installation method gets patent approval
The US Patent Office has awarded patent approval for this firm's proprietary installation method and apparatus for suction anchor and mooring deployment and connection.
This methodology permits single anchor handling vessel deployment of suction anchors separate from the mooring line. The company notes that this is a necessity when installing synthetic-type mooring lines.
The firm developed this method for the presetting and deployment of ultradeepwater moorings using suction anchors in water depths up to 9,100 ft.
This installation technology is made possible by using the company's patented subsea mooring connector. This two-part connector allows for the link of the male and female parts to the mooring line and anchor with the assistance of a conventionally deployed remotely operated vehicle.
The technology has applications in permanent mooring installations (floating production, storage, and offloading units; spars; and floating production units) whereby installation contractors can use smaller constructor type vessels to install mooring systems.
The anchor foundation can be installed without the mooring line attached. Should the need occur during field life, the owner-operator has the ability to use smaller vehicles to perform mooring line changeout without disturbing the anchor foundation.
Source: Delmar Systems Inc., 8114 W. Hwy. 90, Broussard, LA 70518.