Preliminary results for varied temperature and pressure-loading conditions suggest that operators should analyze wells on an individual basis and apply forward-looking design techniques when selecting an annular sealant to meet the operational requirements.
Laboratory analysis and limited field results indicate that finite-element analysis can improve sealant design. Initial studies indicate a strong interaction between the long-term effectiveness of the sealant and its sheath properties, the formation properties, the sealant in situ stresses, completion and stimulation operations, and other events.
Particularly for a high-risk well, sealant design and placement may now include a study of operational events throughout the expected productive life of the well that may subject the sealant to significant changes in temperature or pressure.
Design limitations
Current drilling environments present many unique challenges such as deepwater, high pressure, high temperature, and completions in unconsolidated formations. These challenges require engineers to employ new practices to achieve their drilling goals.
Operators should design annular sealants for use in these wells to accommodate loads such as changes in pressure and temperature occurring during operational events.
Naturally developing stresses (subsidence and depletion), operational stresses (production and gas storage), and human interventions (injection, testing, perforating, sidetracking, and changing fluids) are events that exert these loads.
Zonal isolation is essential to the long-term success of a well. The US Department of the Interior's Materials Management Service (MMS) reports that operators observe sustained casing pressure (SCP) in more than 11,000 casing strings in more than 8,000 wells on the Gulf of Mexico's Outer Continental Shelf.1
Operators may attribute these problems to incomplete annular sealant placement, sealant cracking, or debonding.
Casing collapse, sustained casing pressure, early-water production, interzonal communication, or annular-fluid flow after displacing the wellbore to a lighter fluid following sealant placement may indicate sealant failure.
These problems can cause safety or environmental concerns and can result in reserves loss. Such problems can be costly and difficult or impossible to repair.
As drilling objectives become more challenging and require new drilling practices, traditional cementing practices may no longer prove sufficient.
Casing design practices often consider pressure or temperature changes that are possible during well operations. Operators should apply a similar design approach to annular sealant selection and design.
Mechanical properties
Focused on the slurry, traditional annular sealant design procedures consider thickening time, rheology, density, and gas migration phenomena that occur soon after crews have placed the sealant in the well.
Frequently, engineers consider a sealant with high compressive strength an appropriate choice for zonal isolation.
The compressive strength of a sealant, however, is not a sufficient criterion to determine zonal-isolation success. Recent field experience indicates that other mechanical properties of the annular sealant can be critical to a well's success.
Several documented industry studies indicate cement performance is a function of Young's modulus and other mechanical properties.2-4
A preliminary study indicates that a rigorous technique based on finite-element analysis, combined with methods to improve sealant placement, can significantly increase the likelihood that the annular sealant will withstand the rigors throughout the life of the well.
Engineers can improve annular sealant designs by analyzing anticipated events and quantifying how these events will impact the cement sheath.
Long-term zonal isolation
To help ensure zonal isolation, operators should consider the following factors:
Cementing operations should make every effort to achieve 360° cement sheath coverage in the annulus. Leaving portions of the pipe exposed may make the sealant's mechanical properties a moot point.
Engineers should optimize the properties and formulation of the set sealant, to withstand the various operations occurring during the well's life.
Cement placement
Many factors contribute to the success or failure of cement placement. The wellbore stability, extent of hole washouts, hole cleaning, drill-cuttings removal, equivalent-circulating density (ECD), centralizer placement, and treatment with flushes or spacers can all impact the cement placement.
A software-based mathematical model, known as Erodibility, has proven to be a valuable tool for achieving effective cement placement.5
A wellbore cementing analysis software that includes the model, which Houston-based Halliburton Co. calls OptiCem, simulates mud removal during the cementing process.
Optimize sealant properties
Goodwin, et al. discussed experimental studies to investigate the effect of operational events on the wellbore annular sealant and Bosma, et al. developed a mathematical model to describe the problem.2 4
The model takes into account the operational events from the time the cement is pumped into the annulus.
Using the finite-element analysis technique to find the solution to the mathematical problem, Bosma, et al. employed a method of solving complex engineering issues that adapted readily to annular-sealant design.
To use this model to design an annular sealant, engineers must have the following information:
- Rock properties.
- Cement slurry and sheath properties.
- Casing properties.
- Operational details for completion, stimulation, production, and injection.
When using finite-element analysis to simulate the loading of the well, it is important to determine the borehole condition, sealant-hydration characteristics, and the resultant in situ stresses in the sealant.
Preliminary modeling indicates the in situ stress condition in the sealant affects the ability of sealant to provide zonal isolation during the life of the well.
In situ stresses in the sealant depend on the condition after cement curing and on borehole stability. The other important factors for estimating sealant integrity are the casing-cement and cement-rock interfaces.6
Sealant failure can occur three ways:
- A microannulus forms at the casing-cement interface.
- A microannulus forms at the cement-rock interface.
- The sealant sheath cracks due to changes in temperature or pressure.
Sealant failure by microannuli forming at the casing-cement or cement-rock interfaces might occur when the drilling operations displace the wellbore to a lighter density fluid inside the casing, resulting in a negative pressure change within the casing. The pressure decrease inside the casing may debond the sealant from the casing or formation, leaving a flow channel.
The third sealant failure occurs when the sealant cracks due to changes in temperature or pressure (Fig. 1).
Finite-element analysis provides various options to analyze cement sheath integrity. The method uses a nonlinear model to determine the sealing properties of the borehole.
A transient temperature model analyzes temperature changes in the casing, cement sheath, and rock due to well events, such as stimulation and production, as a function of time, investigating the effects of temperature change on the stress level within the cement.
Selecting the formulation
With results from the finite-element analysis, engineers and technicians can formulate the sealants to meet operational requirements.
Rather than traditional formulations that may not meet all operational requirements, the application may require sealants such as hybrids, rubbers, and foams.
If finite-element analysis reveals that more than one formulation meets the criteria, operators can base sealant selection, assessing the risk of sealant failure, on economics.
Fig. 2 suggests a method for determining sealant selection considering economics and the percentage of total competency remaining in the sealant after well operations subjects it to particular conditions.
Fig. 2 compares the performance of three sealants, based on the above approach, during cement curing, casing pressure testing, and wellbore fluid change. Pressure testing and fluid change created positive and negative pressure changes within the casing.
In this example, the conventional cement that shrinks during curing has failed, and the percentage of total competency remaining in the cement, therefore, is 0%.
The other two sealants remained intact, with Fig. 2 indicating the percentage of total competency remaining due to the different operations.
Engineers should base sealant selection, between the remaining two sealants, on economic comparison and consideration of the input data used to arrive at the results.
- A Review of Sustained Casing Pressures Occurring on the OCS, Louisiana State University study funded by the US Minerals Management Services, Contract No. 14-35-001-30749, 2001.
- Goodwin, K.J., and Crook, R.J., "Cement Sheath Stress Failure," Paper No. SPE 20453, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 23-26, 1990.
- Benge, O.G., McDermott, J.R., Langlinais, J.C., and Griffith, J.E., "Foamed Cement Job Successful in Deep HTHP Offshore Well," OGJ, Mar. 11, 1996, p. 58.
- Bosma, M., et al., "Design Approach to Sealant Selection for the Life of the Well," Paper No. SPE 56536, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 3-6, 1999.
- Ravi, K., Covington, R.L., and Beirute, R.M., "Erodability of Partially Dehydrated Gelled Drilling Fluid and Filter Cake," Paper No. SPE 24571, presented at the 67th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1992.
- Ravi, K., Bosma, M., and Gastebled, O., "Improve the Economics of Oil and Gas Wells by Reducing the Risk of Cement Failure," Paper No. SPE 74497, presented at the IADC and SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, Feb. 26-28, 2002.
The authors
Kris Ravi is project leader for Halliburton's WellLife cementing project and has been with the company for 12 years. He started with Halliburton as a research engineer in Duncan, Okla., and has held various positions including 3 years at the European Research Center in Holland. Ravi has an MBA degree and PhD in chemical engineering from the Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Martin Bosma is a senior researcher in Shell International's Expandable Tubulars Team, dealing mainly with the zonal isolation aspects of this well-completion technology. Previously, he fulfilled various petroleum-engineering positions in Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) and Sabah Shell Petroleum Co., Malaysia. He started his career with Shell 23 years ago in the company's exploration and production center at Rijswijk, The Netherlands, as a fracturing and well stimulation specialist.
Olivier J. Gastebled is a research engineer and consultant at TNO, Delft, The Netherlands. He received his diplôme d'ingénieur from INSA de Lyon, France, his MSc in structural engineering and his PhD from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. His research interests include nonlinear modeling of concrete and rock.