Container system for topping oils, lubricants
The new OilSafe family of closed, ergonomic containers is available for on-site topping oils and lubricant delivery. The product is designed to help prevent lubricant contamination and reduce lubricant waste.
Available in 3 and 5 qt sizes, with a variety of pouring lids for any application, the OilSafe containers are made of cleanable plastic.
Source: Analysts Inc., 7000 Regency Square, Suite 180, Houston, TX 77036.
Data system helps with lab-quality checks
The Cerity networked data system is designed for chemical quality assurance and quality control. The sample-centric software is designed for laboratory personnel involved in routine QA and QC testing in natural gas, refining, and petrochemical operations.
The data system promises efficient instrument control and data handling through industry-standard local area network communication for up to eight 6850 Series gas chromatographs (GCs), with dynamic access up to 32. It is the first software application in the new Cerity family of networked data systems. The family is based on Microsoft Windows NT 32-bit architecture.
All GC control and status are accomplished through the same software screen. Multiple-instrument sessions are not needed, so navigation is fast and straightforward. Using a single screen helps improve laboratory efficiency and reduces errors by minimizing the number of software tasks the user must perform.
The software allows reports to be exported in Web-ready hypertext markup language format. These reports can then be placed on an internal server for others in the company to view virtually instantaneously, or the reports can be e-mailed to customers who need only a standard Web browser to access the information.
Source: Agilent Technologies Inc., 3452, 71 Southgate Blvd., New Castle, DE 19720.
Real time logging-while-drilling geopressure estimation
The new pWell automatically computes and monitors formation pressure while drilling from logging-while-drilling data. The product is based on this firm's well log analysis package GeoPressure Estimation Software.
The new product is an internet-intranet application designed to run on your company's internal web server and accessed across the corporate computer network through the explorationist's web browser. This design allows a well's progress to be monitored in real time from the office as easily as from the rig site.
Source: Petrospec Computer Corp., Box 131133, The Woodlands, TX 77393-1133.
Transmitter for digital video
The RS-1000 packetized digital video transmitter is available for security uses at oil field sites.
The unit uses FLYCodec to send real-time full color digital video at 30 frames/sec over TCP/IP, fiber, frame relay, UDP, VSAT, cellular, serial, or ISDN systems. The combination of the RS-1000 and VisionIT software suite allows 64 cameras per unit to transmit real-time up to 100 Mbps. VisionIT seamlessly integrates with Wonderware, Intellution, and Citech HMI interfaces as an ActiveX control.
The RS-1000's CODEC transmits full-color images at 820 kilobits of network bandwidth.
Black and white video can be reduced to 520 kilobits. Memory or hard disk upgrades allow months of recorded video storage.
Source: Precision Solutions Inc., 3101 Bee Caves, Suite 290, Austin, TX 78746.
Reservoir and production simulator
TurboSim is a new reservoir and production simulator able to solve quickly a variety of oil production problems.
It is a Windows based, "quick look" simulator.
A minimum configuration of 8 Mb is recommended. TurboSim has been designed in particular to meet the needs of reservoir engineers and production geologists who have limited simulation experience or not enough time to utilize the traditional simulation tools.
The simulator features:
- Quick loading of available technical data, including data generated by standard tools.
- Construction of a heterogeneous grid (different forms and sizes of the cells) that allows the user to refine the data for the regions of interest of the well or of the reservoir.
- Multiwell localization that accounts for the interactions between various planned wells (injection well, production well, aquifer); additionally, deviated and horizontal wells are easily modeled.
Within a few minutes, TurboSim shows a projection of the production of a well or a reservoir.
Source: Cenergys, 13, av. Morane Saulnier, 78140 Velizy, France.