Australia to tender more offshore acreage

Jan. 26, 1998
Areas Australia May Open to Exploration in 1998 [164,848 bytes] Australia's Department of Primary Industries and Energy (DPIE), Canberra, is in the final stages of determining which offshore areas it will open for exploration in 1998. DPIE is considering releasing more than 50 areas.

Australia's Department of Primary Industries and Energy (DPIE), Canberra, is in the final stages of determining which offshore areas it will open for exploration in 1998. DPIE is considering releasing more than 50 areas.

The majority of these areas are in Carnarvon, Canning, Browse, and Perth basins off Western Australia and in Bonaparte and Arafura basins off Northern Territory. Other areas being considered are in Otway basin off South Australia and Victoria, in Sorell basin off Tasmania, and in Carpentaria basin off Queensland (see map).

Most of the areas have been explored to a small degree. "Many are only lightly drilled and most would fall within the underexplored category," said DPIE.

Release of data

DPIE has released this information early in response to industry requests. Interested companies were seeking a greater lead time in order to assess existing information on the areas and allow for the acquisition of speculative seismic data.

DPIE will announce its final decision on the areas in March at the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association conference in Canberra. Following this announcement, details will be available on DPIE's website at

Also available at this site are details on DPIE's 1997 release, for which bidding closes Mar. 26, 1998.

A seminar on the 1998 acreage will be presented during the Canberra conference in March. DPIE may make additional presentations in April and May 1998. Sites being considered include Tokyo, Seoul, Calgary, and Houston.

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