Triton gauges Gulf of Thailand gas strike

Aug. 28, 1995
Carigali-Triton Operating Co. has tested a sizable gas/condensate discovery in the Gulf of Thailand (57883 bytes) . Drilled to 7,878 ft, Carigali-Triton's 1A Cakerawala well flowed a combined 58 MMcfd of gas and 945 b/d of oil and condensate from six Pilong zones. Site is on Block A-18 in the Malaysia-Thailand joint development area (JDA). The company tested the discovery in mid-August and began moving the drilling rig to a new site on Block A-18, where it planned to spud the 1 Suriya

Carigali-Triton Operating Co. has tested a sizable gas/condensate discovery in the Gulf of Thailand (57883 bytes).

Drilled to 7,878 ft, Carigali-Triton's 1A Cakerawala well flowed a combined 58 MMcfd of gas and 945 b/d of oil and condensate from six Pilong zones. Site is on Block A-18 in the Malaysia-Thailand joint development area (JDA).

The company tested the discovery in mid-August and began moving the drilling rig to a new site on Block A-18, where it planned to spud the 1 Suriya wildcat.

The 1A Cakerawala is the first of five wells scheduled for drilling on Block A-18 by Carigali-Triton. The unit of Triton Energy Corp., Dallas, operates the tract for itself and Petronas Carigali (JDA) Sdn. Bhd. The latter is a unit of Malaysia's state owned Petroliam Nasional Bhd. (Petronas), Kuala Lumpur.

Carigali-Triton and Petronas Carigali are 50-50 partners in a production sharing contract signed in April 1994 with the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority. The contractors also own Carigali-Triton with 50% interest each.

Carigali-Triton spudded 1A Cakerawala in mid-May in about 200 ft of water. The wildcat is about 2 miles southeast of 1 Pilong, a 9,200 ft gas discovery drilled in 1971 by a unit of Exxon Corp.

Block A-18 is a 700,000 acre tract in the northern Malay basin, about 280 miles north of Kuala Lumpur and 465 miles south of Bangkok. The tract lies in the Malaysia-Thailand JDA set up in January 1991 by the Thai and Malaysian governments.

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